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Zie niet alle liedjes op mijn smartphone

Zie niet alle liedjes op mijn smartphone

Ik heb liedjes die ik op mijn laptop gezet heb die daar wel afspelen. Maar op mijn smartphone staan deze in het grijs. 

Hoe komt dit? 


1 Reply

Hey @Davyaerts.


Thanks for getting in touch. We hope it's okay if we reply in English!


We'd like to know if you are writing about local files, or about songs that are on Spotify.


If it's local files which you are trying to play on your phone, we recommend taking a look at this article. If it's songs that are on Spotify which you can't play, we recommend taking a look at this article.


We hope this clarifies some things. Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day!

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