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galaxy 6, can't install app

galaxy 6, can't install app

I am unable to download the spotify app on galaxy 6. The icon shows up saying it installed, but it is no where in the phone. The app did install on a tablet (through the phone) that is linked up with the phone....I have created an account on the premium trial membersip...have restarted phone, can't figure it out...any thoughts? Thanks
3 Replies

Check in the phone settings - Applications and see if it's showing there. If so, uninstall it a re-install from the Play Store

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

It's not in the applications, searched everywhere on phone...unable to try re-download the app because the green icon says"installed", not "download"

Hmm, sounds like the old issue with android where the data file was not removed from the system partition. This was on early kitkat builds.

You could try removing your Google account from accounts and sync, reboot, add your account back, reboot, then try. Or if you are rooted then check the data folder in the system partition and delete the Spotify left over folder.

If you search Google you'll see this was a common issue.

Last resort is a factory reset I'm afraid.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

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