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playlist stops playing randomly

playlist stops playing randomly

My playlist seems to stop at the end of a song, as if it gets hung up before moving on to the next track.  Occruance is somewhat random, can happen after a single song or after many play successfully but usually it occururs between two and five songs.  Pressing pause and ply button restarts things sometines.  Other times just touch the playback slider seems to make it realize the song is over and it needs to move on.


I have deleted cache with no change in behavior

I have uninstalld and reinstalled with no change in behavior



Premium subscription

Amazon Fire Phone 


10 Replies

Me too. This is driving me nuts - I get one song, maybe 2 or 3, then it just stops. Also today it's starting just shutting down Spotify altogether. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but no change. Any ideas anyone?

Judging by the internet community, this seems to be a recurring issue over the last few years, but I've only noticed it in the last 2 weeks - probably an issue with the latest update.


Otherwise there is NO POINT me paying for this and I will try another service.

same problem here, android phone and app version Problem start since last update 😕

Try switching the crossfade (in settings menu) on or off (whichever you don't have it on at the moment).

Seems to be a fix that works for some people reporting this problem.


This is definitely a problem being reported a lot since the last update a couple of weeks ago.


I also got the same problem, have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, deleting the cache but nothing seems to work. Same problem with streamed songs as well as offline playlists. It actually switches songs and starts playing them, I can see the progress bar moving but no sound comes out, if I switch to the next song it starts playing it without no problems though.

me too

Same here. Just trying Premium for the first time and not impressed at all....


Doesn't seem to happen if i play an album, but playlists and stations play one song, then next song cues up and plays (progress bar moves) but no sound. If i pause and restart, or skip back to the beginning, the song plays.


Kinda random too...most times it happens after every song, i think i've made it a total of 3 songs in a row playing, then same issue.


I have uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled.....I have cleared cache...i've added a larger SD card...I've toggled all of the settings (Crossfade, gapless, etc)


VERY unhappy with this service so far.....I've been a long time Pandora user...never any issues...thought i'd try Spotify....I guess I'm switching back and wasted $30 on a 3 mo. subscription.


Also, this seems to be a pretty common issue as a Google search shows plenty of related posts....but NO solututions seem to fix it and the lack of an official response from Spotify is pretty slack, IMHO.



I'm having the same issue in my two samsungs: playlist will randomly stop playing afert 1,2 or 3 songs. I have been using premium for several years successfully. I don't understand why Spotify is not acknowledging the bug!! we keep paying for a service that is not working. 


PLEASE FIX IT or I will need to test another platform.



It is still happening to me even after the latest update. I get 1-3 songs and then the sound stops and I have to restart or skip to make it play again. I've been using premium for more then 2 years and have always enjoyed the perks but this is making me seriously consider canceling my service.
I've tried regular and clean reinstalls, and emptying the cache.
This unfortunate and aggravating problem started with the update at the beginning of February.

I have spent quite a bit of time trying different settings to see if I can fix this issue and as of right now, I’ve heard a consistent Radio & Playlist streams now for about 10 songs each….much better than before (1 - 2 songs max before it hiccuped). It makes no sense to me that the following settings resolved the issue for me, and it may or may not for you, but I thought I’d share so you can test too and hopefully it resolves the issue for you…. but I make no promises 😉 This is for Android App only. Goto Settings in the Spotify App and set the following “Playback Settings”:

Crossfade = 3
Gapless = off|
Show unplayable songs: off
Normalize Volume: on

With Crossfade off, the problem happens consistently….song plays,time ticker moves, but no audio is heard unless you pause&restart or skip back tobeginning.

I have tested with Radio and Playlists and both seem to be playing consistently now.
Hope this works for someone else!! Please let me know if it does.

I'm having the same problem on a slightly old ASUS android 4.1.1 tablet.  I've had spotify running on it for months flawlessly, but it started crashing when using the search function, so I upgraded to the latest version, but now this new issue is really getting on my nerves.  I only use the tablet for spotify, nothing else.


I have noticed that when it stops at the end of a song, the progress bar appears to only show as having got about 1/2 way through and ticks along slowly, even though It definitely played the whole song.  Has anyone else noticed that?


I have tried pretty much everything in this thread, with no real success.


I have spotify premium v4.7.0.878

Asus transformer android 4.1.1

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