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possible way to look account with credit card number

possible way to look account with credit card number

Is there any way to look up an account with your card number? I forgot my password and don't have access to the email I used with it. I just want to cancel the premium membership. I don't use Spotify to often
1 Reply

Hello @jsmith12696, Welcome to the community! 🙂


Unfortunately, no you cannot. but you can Contact Spotify Support and they will assist you in regaining access to your Spotify Account 🙂

You can contact Spotify support here to assist you with your issue 🙂

If you receive a No-Reply email that says to check out the FAQ or Community just reply to that email and Spotify support will contact you 🙂

Support takes 24-48 hours to reply to you if they have not replied to you by tomorrow you can ask me here and i will escalate the issue for you 🙂

I hope this helped solve your issue 🙂

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