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spotify app for tablet is same as app for droid phone?

spotify app for tablet is same as app for droid phone?

are you going to produce a dedicated app for tablets (specifically android tablets)? i've test spotify on one and it's just a bigger version of the app i have on my phone; almost impossible to put together a playlist, no landscape view, etc.

4 Replies

I have the kindle fire and downloaded the spotify app. I guess I only get a free trial for 48 hours? I read somewhere that free users can use it on the mobile. Did I download the wrong one? I tried to do it from the website and it couldn't open the zip file. Its not going to disappear after 48 hours is it?

loki16 - The crazy thing is that Android is specifically designed to allow a single app to have built in functionality (fragments) to take account of whatever screensize and orientation it's running on ... and yet we're stuck with the crappy whitespace, portrait only version that launched six months after Android 4.0

sdaunais - If you are in the USA you should be able to use Spotify's Radio mode for free. Otherwise, and for all other functions, you need a Premium subscription
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

So just radio mode? It wont have my playlists?


You need a premium subscription to play your playlists on any mobile device. 



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