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Please, Spotify - can you add a feature to allow seperate left and right
channel volume adjustment setting?People with partial hearing loss will
benefit, and it could help with headphones that aren't quite balanced.
Please, Spotify - can you add a feature to allow seperate left and right channel volume adjustment setting? People with partial hearing loss will benefit, and it could help with headphones that aren...
Please add a function to filter/search personal content like playlists
and songs on watches running on Tizen. For instance, if you use the
current search feature with speech-to-text search (the keyboard is well
developed by Samsung but not utilized b...
Please add a function to filter/search personal content like playlists and songs on watches running on Tizen. For instance, if you use the current search feature with speech-to-text search (the ...
So it looks like this problem is posted all over the internet, but I
can't find a solution for it. I have a 167 song playlist that I like to
play, but at random times when playing it, it will only play the same 10
songs in a row, shuffle or no shuffl...
So it looks like this problem is posted all over the internet, but I can't find a solution for it. I have a 167 song playlist that I like to play, but at random times when playing it, it will only pl...
My Uncle is blind and was looking forward to using the Spotify app on
the Fire TV Stick that I got him for Christmas last year. We were
looking forward to using the Spotify app with the Fire TV VoiceView
Narration feature-he relies on the narration f...
My Uncle is blind and was looking forward to using the Spotify app on the Fire TV Stick that I got him for Christmas last year. We were looking forward to using the Spotify app wi...
Hi,I love the great selection and variety of playlists available, but I
am always seeking new relaxing and inspiring instrumental tracks for my
meditation and yoga practice. I would love if spotify made a few
meditation/yoga playlists, possibly one f...
Hi, I love the great selection and variety of playlists available, but I am always seeking new relaxing and inspiring instrumental tracks for my meditation and yoga practice. I would love if spotify...
The spotify commnunity is a great way for improving the spotify service,
and a personal suggestion would be to able to make it much easier and
available to frequent mobile users such as I, so that we can give
suggestions whilst using the application.
The spotify commnunity is a great way for improving the spotify service, and a personal suggestion would be to able to make it much easier and available to frequent mobile users such as I, so that we...
Why can't we comment on playlists? There are so many awesome playlist
creators, I want to tell them how much they've affected me. A lot of
these playlist creators get NO credit yet their work is AMAZING! Let us
Why can't we comment on playlists? There are so many awesome playlist creators, I want to tell them how much they've affected me. A lot of these playlist creators get NO credit yet their work is AMAZ...
Can you bring back the Happy Hipster playlist? It was the default
soundtrack in my house before it disappeared. It was also the reason my
wife agreed to pay for a Spotify account. Please bring it back! The
tunes were awesome and we miss it.
Can you bring back the Happy Hipster playlist? It was the default soundtrack in my house before it disappeared. It was also the reason my wife agreed to pay for a Spotify account. Please br...
Boa noite, tudo bem? Eu possuo a anos o Spotify e antes era permitido a
pesquisa por voz dentro do app, havia o ícone do microfone na barra de
pesquisa igual ao Google e agora desapareceu. Por gentileza, poderiam
retornar com essa função? Ela é muito...
Boa noite, tudo bem? Eu possuo a anos o Spotify e antes era permitido a pesquisa por voz dentro do app, havia o ícone do microfone na barra de pesquisa igual ao Google e agora desapareceu. ...
Why would we pay the same price as a month of Spotify for only 15 more
hours when some books are 6+ hours that’s not enough time to finish
books. I thought it would be cheaper to include my audios with Spotify
but now I’m second guess Spotify when I ...
Why would we pay the same price as a month of Spotify for only 15 more hours when some books are 6+ hours that’s not enough time to finish books. I thought it would be cheaper to include my audios wi...
So we all know and love the canvases on spotify songs, however, there
are some songs that lack the creative feature. Some songs in particular
I would love to see with a canvas is “Yoyo” by Rescene and “Hush Rush”
by Lee Chaeyeon. The music videos are...
So we all know and love the canvases on spotify songs, however, there are some songs that lack the creative feature. Some songs in particular I would love to see with a canvas is “Yoyo” by Rescene an...
I wanted to take advantage of the fact that Spotify is thinking of
adding a new subscription to the platform and recommends new functions
to add to this subscription, I have listened to many songs from
little-known artists and enjoy many, but I have ...
I wanted to take advantage of the fact that Spotify is thinking of adding a new subscription to the platform and recommends new functions to add to this subscription, I have listened to many songs fr...
Volte com a opção de ver até os episódios baixados. Um único lugar em
que vejo apenas os baixados.Toda atualização feita piora o aplicativo.
Agora eu não consigo ver apenas os baixados, eu vejo todos os episódios
em que já cliquei desde que uso o app...
Volte com a opção de ver até os episódios baixados. Um único lugar em que vejo apenas os baixados. Toda atualização feita piora o aplicativo. Agora eu não consigo ver apenas os baixados, eu vejo tod...
The recent (as of February 2025) change to the android TV Spotify app is
a significant downgrade in user experience. Please revert it. Worse yet
is that pressing left or right from neutral on the TV remote does not
scrub the active track back and for...
The recent (as of February 2025) change to the android TV Spotify app is a significant downgrade in user experience. Please revert it. Worse yet is that pressing left or right from ...
Why is there no "Disability Income Pricing Plan" but there are for
students?To make my case can the website on spotify shows plans for two
types of people apparently. 1: "Individual Plan" which is $11.99 a
month. 2: "Student Plan" which is $5.99 a mo...
Why is there no "Disability Income Pricing Plan" but there are for students? To make my case can the website on spotify shows plans for two types of people apparently. 1: "Individual Plan" ...
Currently Australia only has the option of an individual monthly
subscription at $13.99. I believe that many users including myself would
be interested in longer subscription options at lower cost but longer
durations when compared to paying monthly....
Currently Australia only has the option of an individual monthly subscription at $13.99. I believe that many users including myself would be interested in longer subscription options at lowe...