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Country-locked music

Country-locked music

Why is it that some songs isnt available in my country?


As an example: Im from Norway, started listening at German hiphop, and some of my favorite songs (listen @ youtube) is not available for me. I dont understand the reason to close spesific songs just to Germany.


Does someone know?

Eirik Espe
2 Replies

It may be a deal that the artist has with Spotify. They may simply just have that song available in certain places and not in others because of the deal that is set up between Spotify and the artist.


Hope this helps!

I would say you should send the complaint to the artist / his label and see what they got to say. Spotify will not do something on it's own concerning country-locks, except if it violates any laws of course. That's my opinion, i'm not 100% certain

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