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[Discover] Why do I keep getting inappropiated recommendations?

[Discover] Why do I keep getting inappropiated recommendations?

I keep getting erotic podcasts recommendations, even tho i never hear that stuff. I dont even hear offensive music. I don't know if its because someone is using my account, or what could it else be. Please help bc my parents will think I watch/hear inappropiate stuff. Is there anyway to make Spotify stop recommending me podcasts and music?



1 Reply

Hi @Anonymous67,


Welcome to the Community and thank you for posting!


We've moved your post to this help board as it fits better its content.


At the moment, there's not an option to remove specific content from your recommendations, since these are updated automatically the more you keep playing other content. 


However, we recommend having a look at this Idea suggesting the possibility to customize your home screen, which includes recommendations.
You can support the idea by adding your +VOTE and clicking on Subscribe in the three-dots menu in the top right corner next to the title. That'll make sure you stay up-to-date with any relevant updates about this. It’s also worth knowing that the higher the number of votes an idea gets, the more likely it is for the idea to be implemented. 
Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.  
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