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Do Spanish Podcasts Exist?

Do Spanish Podcasts Exist?

Does Spotify have any podcasts in Spanish? I'm having a hard time finding them if they exist. I would very much appreciate if you found one and told me what it is called.

9 Replies

I've only been able to find HabloGeek. I've also seen Coffee Break Spanish but that's for learning Spanish.

I found El Bueno, la mala, el feo on podcasts. You can look under the different podcast categories like entertainment and keep searching until you find one that's in Spanish.

If I were you I would search the internet for some answers. The only one I've found is el show De piolin

If you search on a single spanish word like noticias, chistes or deportes. It brings up available options, you have to scroll down on your phone a bit to see the podcast search results. It lists artists, albums and song first..

Hi! Yes, WOWW Campaign is a podcast in Spanish {and English} that's available on Spotify. Our focus is inspiring women through interviews with female leaders and brief weekly motivational messages. However, are all welcome and indeed, we also have many male listeners. 

Radio Ambulante by NPR is one of the best Spanish podcasts out there, and they publish almost every week. It discusses interesting stories and current events affecting Latin America. Spotify will also bring up other similar podcasts. 

Decisiones que cuentan... podcast nuevo, temas, historias, experiencias e información interesante para tomar decisiones y cambiar la historia que queremos contar!


I have one! “Mujer Soltera” Encuéntralo aquí en Spotify! Te lo recomiendo. 

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