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Is there an Explicit Content filter?




It's great to hear music as the artist intended it to be heard, so this means Spotify can sometimes include explicit content.


We recommend looking out for the EXPLICIT tag on any releases (E on the web player).

Note: Our explicit content tags are applied based on information we receive from rights-holders. This means we can’t guarantee all explicit content is marked as such. 
Explicit content filter 


For: Mobile and tablet


Filter out content labelled as explicit with these steps:

  1. Tap Home Mihail_0-1620897189059.png
  2. Tap Settings Mihail_1-1620897188973.png
  3. Tap Explicit Content.
  4. Switch Allow Explicit Content off.
  5. Anything with an explicit tag is now grayed out. You can’t play it, and it’s automatically skipped.

For: Desktop 


  1. Click Mihail_0-1620898452094.png in the top-right and select Settings.
  2. Under Explicit Content, switch Allow playback of explicit-rated content off.

Tracks marked as explicit now appear grayed out. It’s not possible to play them, and they’re automatically skipped.


Note: Explicit content settings don’t apply if you use Spotify Connect to play to another device. 


Premium Family explicit filter 


If you manage a Premium Family plan, you can allow or block anything with an explicit tag for other members of the plan.

  1. Log in to your Premium Family page.
  2. Click on the member you’d like to filter content for.
  3. Switch Remove explicit content on.

 Content we identify as explicit is based on information we receive from rights-holders, so we can’t guarantee that no explicit content will play with this setting.

For full information on this, and for more on finding clean versions we'd recommend check this Support article.



This Spotify Answer was submitted by @Jose_M.


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