Is this a questionnaire for something? School project maybe?
Since you want to know:
1. I started out as a Yougin with the world of music, and so I turned to Vinyl, 8-track and cassette tapes, and FM radio first, and then moved into CD's when the medium standard was developed for music to be stored onto. Then I migrated to web digital legal services and cough some not so legal sources for music access.
2. My first streaming music services, as there was some slight limits of what music streaming services there was at the time in the U.S. First there was Rhapsody as they got an early start in the U.S. small - medium start but there it was, and then Rdio when it came along with a freemium access, then Spotify when it launched officially. I did initially mess around with Myspace music for a bit, but the updated streaming music service quickly migrated to content being fed from Youtube, and what was the point by then anyway? I also was just getting into the short lived streaming music service IMEEM before it was bought out by Myspace. There was a few other early start up music streaming services but they came and went rather fast and/or were bought out by other companies.
3. Of course it did, Internet traffic shows, when artists play games with exclusive only releases with just one music streaming service, those releases get pirated faster than content that is available at the same time on all legal streaming music services. The more legally available music is to stream on all services, the less it is likely to be illegally pirated. Who wants to risk viruses, spyware, and/or any other nastiness from the dark web just to pirate something easily gotten from a legal music streaming service?
4. Ease of convenience, I do not have to worry about burning CD's to always have a hard copy backup of legal digitally downloaded content. I was constantly burning CD's of iTunes or Amazon digital bought music just in case of any account issues or any computer internal or external hard drive issues later on, sure there is cloud services but content can get corrupted on cloud services as well. It is true with music streaming services one deals with from time to time content becoming unavailable, but nine times out of ten the content returns, and it usually happens when promotion of a new music streaming service comes along, but the content eventually returns when the newness of a service wears off, and which also results in increased pirating again for that exclusive access again of that same content. I am also able to save my money for those artists who are able to release quality music when I go to see live shows and buy merch, which the artists generally get a bigger cut from the sale of merch than standard CD, digital, and even music stream revenue, there are far to many middle men in the way with music delivery now which cuts out profit return to the artists.