Help Wizard

Step 1


Horrible sound at the end of song

Horrible sound at the end of song

Hey, is this a bad recording? intentional? Should this track be readded ?

spotify uri: spotify:track:3YEufW49nSDeEKOA0EREFW



Check out the last minute, but be careful with your volume control 🙂


1 Reply

Hey there @vic-pola


Thanks for reaching out to the Community about this. 

Also, thanks for warning us about the volume control 😄 


We checked the track on our side as well and the noise is still there, just before the end of the track. Good news is you can now report this issue to the relevant Spotify team and it'll be taken care of. Simply go to this help page and you'll find the steps on how to do that. 


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any more questions. 

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