Hi people,
I recently discovered Almora with their album Kıyamet Senfonisi (The Doomsday Symphony). Loved the band, so I decided to check out their other albums. While I was listening the album Kalihora's Song, I didn't realize anything weird at first. But I realized lyrics of the songs were wrong on every single lyrics website. After a while, I realized that the titles of the songs might be wrong. Here are the reasons why I thought this way:
* The song Forever Free on Spotify starts with spoken lyrics that tell a story. The story is about where Kalihora's Song comes from. But, there's a song named Kalihora's Song in the album and it doesn't have anything to do with Kalihora's Song. Since the album is also named Kalihora's Song, it seemed normal to me at first. But checking the lyrics of Kalihora's Song actually gave me the correct lyrics that are used in Forever Free. Still though, lyrics sites might be wrong.
* There are two songs that are named "Tears of the Angels" and "Tears of the Angels - V2". I would expect these songs to be similar. They have no resemblance with each other. There are multiple songs that are similar to each other in the album. But the most similar are probably the songs "Cehennem Geceleri" and "Show Must Go On" on Spotify.
* Tears of the Angels has the lyrics "...you will be forever free" inside.
* Kursun Asker has the lyrics "princess of rain" inside.
* Kalihora's Song has the lyrics "rage of the falcon" inside.
* Princess of Rain has the lyrics "show must go on" inside.
* Rage of the Falcon is sang in Turkish and has the lyrics "kursun asker" inside.
* Tears of the Angels - V2 is sang in Turkish and has the lyrics "ve cehennemden bir gece daha" which is similar to "cehennem geceleri".
* The **bleep** Nights is the translation of Cehennem Geceleri in Turkish and is the exact same song as Tears of the Angels - V2 except the lyrics are in English. It seems that "The **bleep** Nights" is the only song that is correct in the album. But it suggests that the song Tears of the Angels - V2 should actually be Cehennem Geceleri.
These are my thoughts about the album. I cross checked the songs with songs uploaded to Youtube and my speculations seem to be correct. Is there something I can/should do to fix this? Or is this actually something intended and everyone on Youtube is actually wrong?