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My public playlist

My public playlist



Family Premium


United kingdom


Samsung galxy 453


Android 13


My Question is, I have made a spotify playlist of my own band from my local files, so that it can be shared with otbers. It doesn't appear when it is searched for by others. And when I share the uri link, they can then see the playlist but not play the content. Can anyone help me with this please ?


5 Replies

Hi @Cjplockley

Local files can only be viewed/used by you. If you want others to hear songs by your band, you'll need to upload them to Spotify.

You can find out how to do that here.

Thanx for the reply. ok , so to be clear, although my playlist is labelled as public, it actually isn't ? Maybe spotify could make this clear lol. I have spent 2 days trying to figure out why this wasn't working. I don't wish to make money from this, just trying to share it with family and friends. Do you know of any easy way of achieving this ?

If you only have local files in a playlist, only you can see it, I believe.

In terms of sharing with friends and family, I recommend just uploading the songs to Google Drive or Dropbox or something and making the folder public.

I guess, but surely public means public no ?


I am still confused why this is 


Local Files will only show up for yourself in a public playlist.


"Local Files" means the files are on your device locally, it's just that Spotify allows you the convenience to import and listen to them in the app for yourself. They are not uploaded to Spotify's servers for others to listen to.


If you have added songs that are available on Spotify to a public playlist, then yes others will see the songs in the playlist as long as they are not Local Files.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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