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The Cliks snakehouse album track names don't match the songs

The Cliks snakehouse album track names don't match the songs

For some reason the songs only on this album seem to be one track out. From what I can work out the correct titles for each song are the next track on the album. This is also an issue on their single release of Complicated as one of the tracks is the entirely wrong song. I Think this could be due to an issue with the explicit and Radio edits of the tracks.

3 Replies

Hey @Apple666, welcome to the Community!


Could you send over the link to the release you're talking about? 


We'll take a look to see if we can get it reported.


Here is the link to the album with the issue. Since posting this I have reported the issue to the customer support songs error page but received no response.

Hey @Apple666, thanks for your report.


We've made sure to send the relevant info to our Content Team. Great detective work!


Our best,



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