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Step 1





Dear Spotify Community, 

The time for change is now! We the Spotifiy Premium community have chosen to pay and support your website because of the amazing music, BUT WE WANT CHANCE THE RAPPER! Please just support this amazing rapper and give us the music we love! Isn't that what we are all here for anyway?


Someone that appreciates good music 

50 Replies

in what way is colouring book acidrap which is the better album

I followed the steps but when I open the playlist on my phone the only song in the playlist is the worst guys by childish gambeno, a song not on the album or my library how does one import the local files

As far as I have found this trick is patched. However, turn off your phone, do the same process, restart Spotify on your pc and make sure all is in the playlists, then turn your phone on. If this doesn’t work then it’s been patched.
I have since moved to Apple Music and seamlessly share downloaded music to my phone. I haven’t played around with this Spotify trick for a while but that’s the last thing that worked for me. Good luck!

Chance is one of the goats for sure! If anyone sees this and enjoys the records follow me and message me for a follow back. Any support is always appreciated.


No Sleep

Hey Spotify what makes you think one album can solve everything, like cmon we want all his music from acid rap to 10 day, we want it all, so please try to give it or I’ll find something else. I like your company so don’t make me leave cause of my favorite artist.  

I agree with you but as long as Spotify doesn’t add his other albums you can just download them onto your Spotify! But we still need to get them to add his other albums so the huge popularity of people that use Spotify can discover his music.

Ik the pain but there is a way (if you have an MP3 of it) you can import it
it's troublesome tho so be carefully what MP3 your downloading but click
import music and hopefully it'll work

It's not only just not available in Bulgaria, it's not available around the world. So, you can download it from online and then import it from your local files.

How do I drag and drop files?


Who do I need to talk to about getting "Acid Rap" added to spotify? It's definately some of his best work...




Congradulations both of those albums (10 day and AcidRap) are coming to Spotify at MIDNIGHT (6/27/2019). Go check it out!!!!

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