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WHY do you keep removing songs???


WHY do you keep removing songs???

Why is it that Spotify can't leave stuff alone??? YES, add music, but STOP taking down music!! ESPECIALLY after its on a playlist! 


Stop letting artists and outhouse lawyers tell you what to do, grow a pair and LEAVE THE MUSIC *UP* ONCE IT'S UP!! 


I am NOT going to pay for something if I cannot count on it being there from (literally) one day to the next!!


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Spotify wants all the world’s music on Spotify. However, some artists and tracks aren't currently available. Sometimes agreements can’t be reached with the artist or label or a change may happen in music ownership.

However, please know thousands of albums and artists are added to Spotify every day. If you can’t find an artist you’re looking for, they may appear (or reappear) soon.

In the meantime, feel free to contact the artist or their label to ask when they plan to be on Spotify. Thanks!

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217 Replies



Having one of the songs in your playlist taken down is annoying but I think Spotify just do that when its inevitable. BTW, what is your song that was removed? I help checking if it was actually removed or just a bug. Peace 🙂

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Sometimes songs are removed because Spotify no longer has the rights to that song, that is explained here, sometimes it can be added back pretty quick other times it isn't 😕 . It really is down to the rights holders. 

Hope this helped 🙂

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But why are we able to add those artist back immediately?  Are you sure it isn't some quirk in the database?  I have to add certain bands every day so that I don't forget them.  It doesn't make sense if it's only a licensing issue...

darn Dixieland Jazz hacktivists!!!!

They give the same old song and dance about "rights issues"...but what about OUR rights? I cancelled my premium subscription because they took down too many songs to list....previously unreleased songs by the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, The Good Vibrations song "Mary Ann", just to name a few. I'm not paying for something that is undependable and just rolls over when some shyster RIAA lawyer says "Boo!". "Rights Issues" my rosy red arse.

Spotify shouldn't make a song available until they are sure they won't need to secretly remove it. Putting a good Playlist together takes time and effort.. It is beyond dissapointing to go looking for something thats no longer there.. I'm always wondering if it's my phone, my wifi or something else.. just to later find that they've removed it.. I currently pay for 4 different spotify accounts in this family, and I'm about to pull the plug on this service.. GET IT TOGETHER AND DONT MESS WITH OUR MUSIC... We pay you to keep our playlists intact!

I feel your pain - I've had that happen too, on every music subscription service I've been on (which is basically ALL of them - Spotify, Rhapsody, Zune, Xbox Music Pass).



But there's really no way a company can legally "stop letting artists and outhouse lawyers" tell them what to do - Spotify doesn't own publishing rights on these songs, the artists and the publishing corporations who hire the lawyers do.  If Spotify ignored legal requests to stop streaming music that they didn't have the right to stream, then Spotify would be sued out of existence in a week, and NONE of your playlists would work anymore.



BUT: as @Mickey82 points out, sometimes the same material can be re-downloaded almost immediately; also, I've noticed (from having multiple overlapping music subscriptions at times) that sometimes, particular content won't be available on one service, but will be available on the others.  These don't feel like publishing decisions to me (though I'm not a music publisher...)  I can understand an artist/publisher saying "No streaming at all!" - many do.  I can understand an artist/publisher making an exclusive streaming deal with one provider, and I'm sure some do.



But given the choice of (a) an artist explicitly deciding to allow his tunes to be streamed on all services EXCEPT one; or (b) a database error that makes it look like permissions changed, well, (b) seems way more likely.



CLEARLY it's sometimes the result of an error - I've reported instances to all four services that I suspected were data bugs, and most of them got resolved, presumably by DBAs and not lawyers.



And again, ALL the music subscription services have these issues - I have no idea how complicated it is to track the legal intricacies of millions of songs, but I bet it's WAY more complicated than I could imagine it to be.  But the default way they all handle them ("That's just the way subscription services work, publishers are whimsical and capricious") is unfortunate.  Admitting to a data bug might undermine customer confidence in the app or the service, but the default explanation undermines confidence in the entire business model, which is way worse.  (When an airline has a crash, they don't just shrug and say "Eh, air travel is inherently unsafe" - they say, "Here's what happened, here's why it happened, here's the steps we're taking so it will never happen again.")



My fond wish for this (and maybe it's impossible, but I bet it's only hard) is that the subscription services would find a way to distinguish between a real publishing take-down request and a data bug - and surface that information to someone who could act on it.  Maybe someday...

I see you're taking down playlists too.   Just quit it or you will lose subscribers.    I am about to unsubscribe to your services starting next year and move to Groove Shark where I can get the best VIP treatment! 

You're no longer going to soon have rights to my premium subscriptions.   I am cancelling very soon and subscribing to something else. 

Can someone please tell me why "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven isnt on Spotify anymore? Thanks!



The album that the song is on is currently only available in the USA and Canada.


According to the metadata lookup page on the Spotify website: (deluxe) (regular)


The availability of songs on Spotify is up to the artist and their music label.
Spotify has no control over what content is available.

Sometimes it is only available in certain countries, while access is blocked to others.


You can find out more information here

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Thanks for the response! The weird thing is that the rest of the album is indeed available, its just the one song that is "missing"

Im also wondering why the band "Autopilot off" isnt on spotify, especially their song "clockworks". It was on an old PS2 game I used to play alot and I would really like to listen to it on Spotify, brings back memories 🙂

Fistful of love (By Anthony and the Johnsons) has disappeared...  very annoying!!!  Shame on Spotify



The reason is that the artist or their music label has decided to remove it from Spotify.


The availability of music on Spotify is up to the artist and their music label.
Spotify has no control over what content is available.


Sometimes it is only available in certain countries, while access is blocked to others.
Sometimes the album or song will be unavailable temporary, and come back again later.


You can find out more information here

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

For example they removed Comatose by skillet and Juggalo Homies by ICP.  It gets really old, especially when you pay for it

For example they removed Comatose by skillet and Juggalo Homies by ICP.  It gets really old, especially when you pay for it


I love spotify but when they remove my favorite songs it gets kind of annoying.. They took off Comatose by Skillet and Juggalo Homies by ICP 😞

I love spotify with all my heart, I constantly brag about it to my friends trying to convince them to use it.  I've been a Spotify user for over a year now, but I am disappointed that a lot of good songs are not on there.  To make it even worse my favorite songs keep getting removed. For example Comatose by Skillet and Juggalo Homies by ICP.  Along with this I really believe you guys should add more underground songs by bands like Linkin Park, Papa Roach etc.  


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