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When do new releases go up?


When do new releases go up?

What is Spotify's method for making new releases available? It seems really hit or miss on Tuesdays (when most albums come out). Sometimes the album will be listed, but not available, sometimes there will not even be a listing for the album, and some are available right away in the morning. Most of the time, new albums are available right away on Tuesdays on services like Rdio and MOG, but Spotify seems to always lag behind and get some new albums later in the afternoon or a few days later. What gives?


Right now, I can listen to the new Aesop Rock on Rdio just fine. I can search for it and see the listing for it on Spotify, but it tells me that it's not available. Any chance Spotify is going to make sure new releases are up in a timely manner?

42 Replies

Wondering when lil Wayne dedication 6 gone touch Spotify been waiting all dau

Idk if dedication 6 will because he’s using other poeples beats 

When will drakes new single "I'm upset" come on spotify canada? It's already on Apple music, but why not spotify? Will this happen when his new album drops too?

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