
Help Wizard

Step 1


wrong metadata - unrelated artists appears in the wrong place

wrong metadata - unrelated artists appears in the wrong place

The song attached is by an artist called Çesitli Sanatçilar from this album
However it appears as the first song in the Popular List of an artist called 51 here

This is a problem because
a. it's not by the same artist and has nothing to do with the music 51 do.
b. it appears as the first song in the popular list of 51 and by that completely preventing people from listening to 51.


How can I report that and let spotify know they should fix it?


2017-07-15 20.38.59.gif
Screen Shot 2017-07-15 at 20.39.44.png
1 Reply

Hey, @11163194901!

Thanks for highlighting this! I have informed the correct folks at Spotify of this and should be fixed in the next few days!


Thanks! 🙂


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