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Desktop Beta for Linux?

Desktop Beta for Linux?

Hi there!

I'd like to know if there are any plans to extend the beta desktop preview to Linux users. I know that Spotify still considers the Linux desktop app a "technical preview", but it was stated many times here and elsewhere that several Spotify devs run Linux desktops so... maybe there is an internal build for the beta already?

Spotify could add an "unstable" or "testing" distribution to the current repository for a beta build, so users who don't want to participate in the beta program won't be affected.

This is the first time Spotify is experimenting with an open beta (which I think is a very good idea!), and as the Linux version is always lagging a little behind its Windows and Mac bigger brothers, maybe the beta would be good opportunity to make the Linux app a first class citizen (something that has been long overdue; the app has been working pretty well as it is), we would be able to test it and give feedback during the beta period, and then when the final release comes, Spotify could launch the final new version for the three platforms.

8 Replies

I have heard from someone on the desktop team at Spotify that there will be an upcoming beta version for linux. Keep checking back for updates.


Tweet confirming linux client:

MattSudaSpotify Star
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The Beta seems even more based on web technologies than previous versions, basically a Chromium embedded frame, so supporting Linux should be even easier.

BTW: Spotify 0.8.8 actually arrived first on Linux. It was also probably the most criticized version of all time, but that had nothing to do with Linux.
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@olejon wrote:
The Beta seems even more based on web technologies than previous versions, basically a Chromium embedded frame, so supporting Linux should be even easier.

If it is so, this should be an excellent opportunity to lift up Linux to a "supported OS" level. I wish they could at least officially support something "mainstream" like Ubuntu, and let the us who use other distros tinker a little to make it work (we're used to that).


Still nothing, huh..?

Again, if it is built on more cross platform technologies, releasing a Linux beta that is current with the other platform version would be a big step in the right direction.

It's been three months now. The "Linux client soon" from Felipe's tweet no longer applies, don't you think? Sigh.


Still waiting.

So... any news about this? It's been five months now. And the beta is already being rolled out to the regular Mac and Windows users with the 1.0.1 version.



New Linux build!

Check it out:

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Thanks for digging that up! Maybe someone should add that information to the official beta page or to the Linux download page. A mention in a random tweet from a Spotify employee is not the best way to announce this...


Anyway, thanks again, and I'm glad a new build is available. I'll test it later tonight after work.




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