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Contact other users?


Contact other users?

How can I contact someone who made a playlist I really like? I want to thank him. 


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12 Replies

Go to their profile and follow them. Then right click a track you think they will like, and select Share > Send too and enter their name in the box with a message.

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What if you follow the steps but their details don't come up? Also is there a quick way to find popular playlisters and be able to suggest tracks to them?

Hey @larkrecordings welcome to the Spotify Community! 


What happens when you try to follow those steps? Have you tried restarting Spotify and trying again? 


As far as suggesting tracks to other curators, we'd like that to become a common occurrence in The Green Room's playlist exchange too. Feel free to post in threads suggesting tracks in the playlists users have shared. 

Thanks Meredith

Same question here. When I follow the instructions, nothing shows up  for  user jazzylondon. Does he / she have a profile at all? If so, then please provide me with a link (PM is OK). If not, then consider this to be me thanks for all the work on the Smooth Jazz Guitar Playlist: keep it up!

I can't contect a user I follow. I want to speak to them about their playlist as its amazing! 

How do I do this? 😞

@meahtenoha wrote:


As far as suggesting tracks to other curators, we'd like that to become a common occurrence in The Green Room's playlist exchange too. Feel free to post in threads suggesting tracks in the playlists users have shared. 

In principle is a good idea, BUT... the condition for it to work is that those curators are in the Community. Fact is, not all of them even know about its existence, let alone actively participate. I am not talking about official Spotify Playlists Curators, but of other people who -more or less professionally- curate playlists.


Hello, sounds strange, but i'm not able to contact other spotify users. After the following, and after select Share > Send  the name i'm looking for is proposed or not.  Yes, like that. Sometimes the name is in the list, and 2 min after it is not.  If the name is available and a do the send, nothing happens.  The "upload" point are turning and turning  ....


I'm on Imac,  EL CAPITAN


if somewhone has an idea , would be great

Capture d’écran 2017-03-28 à 10.49.01.png

there are so much updates since 1 year, what you're descibing as solution doesn't work anymore. So how can I contact a user?

I contacted spotify about this and they said it's no longer possible to contact other users. Which is really sad! Everyone please complain along with me so they change this.

They are more focused on making new updates frequently.  The whole staff is very friendly but not listening enough to the audience, which is very funny and paradoxal 

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