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Light Mode for desktop / mobile app

Light Mode for desktop / mobile app



I've been a premium user for almost a decade now and have a Mac and iPhone, but this topic goes beyond platforms in general.


I was wondering if there are any plans to have a Light Mode for the app. The extreme contrast difference between the black background and white text wreaks havoc on my eyes and I have trouble looking at other things for a little while, if I've looked at a Spotify window for too long (example, reading the bio of an artist), reading through the tracks of an album or playlist etc.


If not, are there any plans to have themes in Spotify? The app is almost 10 years old in the US alone, and I'm quite surprised there has been nothing been done in this direction for the app.




Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hi there folks,


Thank you for your posts and feedback in this thread.


There's currently an idea about this - [All Platforms] Light Mode Toggle. You can leave a +VOTE and Subscribe to the thread for any updates. Even if its status is closed for now, you can still keep an eye there for any news we have to share around this.


Let us know if we can help you with anything else 🙂

Take care!

28 Replies

Hey @stygianmessiah, thanks for reaching out to the Community!

I can see how your idea can be useful. If this is something you would like to see in the future, you can start a new Idea about this here. Make sure to VOTE to it, and get other supporters to VOTE for it as well. 


I'll be here if you need anything else!

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Every year this is requested. This shouldn't be that hard to deploy by now. Especially with how big Spotify is now, no matter some ridiculous design philosophy statement.

Dear friend, be polite

Hi there folks,


Thank you for your posts and feedback in this thread.


There's currently an idea about this - [All Platforms] Light Mode Toggle. You can leave a +VOTE and Subscribe to the thread for any updates. Even if its status is closed for now, you can still keep an eye there for any news we have to share around this.


Let us know if we can help you with anything else 🙂

Take care!

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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

Sure 👌🏻

Tnx 🌹

I've thought of this ever since I found this app and I don't know why there has to be a vote???? Pathetic. Almost every other program or app lets you choose light or dark mode. 

Is this supposed to be cool? If it is then its the reason I still use google podcast as my podcast app.

This is exactly what i was thinking! This is standard across most popular apps. When dark mode was first introduced in apps and in windows, I thought it was really cool. But I've found that 5 - 10 minutes into using any app (outlook, word, excel, etc) in dark mode, I get really irritated by it and switch back to light mode. This is one of the main reasons I don't use Spotify very often, even though I have a family license. 

That idea is from april 2014 and still nothing happened.
So thanks for NOTHING.
That's the reason I'm still using Deezer instead.

**bleep** is bussing info. Thank you for your time.😁



We shouldn't even have to request this as a "feature." It's simple accessibility design specs. Then again, you UI/UX team has always been a bit stupid and is directly the reason I stopped paying at all.

Where is the "LIGHT" Mode? It's 2022 and you still don't have this feature?

This is the perfect solution for me!

This light green theme  is exactly what I have always wanted Spotify to look like.
After installing spicetify community themes you can add this configuration with these three lines in the shell/terminal:

spicetify config current_theme ZIRO

spicetify config color_scheme green-light

spicetify apply



And how is this spicetify installed on devices?

You install it from the command line. The installation instructions for windows, mac, etc., are here.
After you install it, you install the community themes here. This is a list of what they look like
The installation is very straightforward if you have any experience using the command line. If you do not, well, this might not be the solution for you. This is a solution for the Spotify desktop app. I'm not aware of a way to modify the mobile apps.

It's not what I'm looking for, but thanks. I want a white, grey/ lighter background.

I have struggled for years to find a solution to this problem. I cannot use dark mode backgrounds like in Spotify and it drives me away from using this app. I can’t use it for more than 20 seconds with sore eyes and headache forming. Same with the Garmin app. 😀 


however, Apple iPhone has a solution in  Accessibility with Per App Settings. And you can turn on Smart Invert for just Spotify or any other app that doesn’t have a Light Mode. 

hope that works for thousands of you out there that have been ignore.



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