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Spotify Errors

Spotify Errors






Macbook Pro late 2014

Operating System

mac os mojave 10.14.1


My Question or Issue

A while ago, the following problem accured: when I tried playing songs I've searched, Spotify wouldnt play them, without showing a error report. It would only play songs on shuffle and songs that where added to a playlist. It also didn't show the album covers or the lenght of the songs (screenshot attached). Then I reinstalled Spotify multiple times but this didn't fix the problem. The last time I reinstalled Spotify it additionally deleted all the songs I've saved and all the songs I've added to playlists, so my playlists are empty. What can I do 


Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-09 um 14.10.33.png
1 Reply

Hello @florarueegg,


Thanks for getting in touch!


It sounds like something might be up with your host files. Could you try the following steps to clear Spotify from the hosts file?



  1. Open Finder and, in Finder’s menu bar, select Go > Go to Folder. In the box, type the following location: /private/etc/hosts and press return.
  2. A new Finder window will open and your Mac’s hosts file will be selected. Click and drag it out of the Finder window and drop it on your desktop. 
  3. To open it, simply double-click and it will display the file’s contents in TextEdit .
  4. Check for any entries with Spotify in the address.
  5. If you do find any lines with Spotify, please remove them
  6. Save your changes and restart Spotify.

Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.


Have a nice day!


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