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Static and crackle during playback

Static and crackle during playback

I get a very annoying static crackling during the playback of all music whether it is streaming or a local file.  This only occurs on my Macbook Pro.  i am installed on iOS and on an older macbook and neither of these devices exhibit this issue.  


I have tried the clean install FAILED.

I have unchecked the High Quality streaming in the Preferences.  FAILED

I have turned off my Carbonite backup process. FAILED


This issue has existed on the boards for years from my research and I have not seen a definitive solution to address the problem that works. I will not continue to be a Premium user for long if the most basic functionality of Spotify which is to play music does not perform properly.


textually yours,


3 Replies

Do you get the same issue from playback from iTunes? Is weird if its a Spotify issue but you get it on local files too.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Any album in particular or all of them?


I was just doing some listening on my 2013 MacBook Pro and noticed horrible static (streaming) the John Mayer "Room for Squares" album. Played the same album (downloaded) on my Samsung Galaxy S3 and it's just as terrible. I'm thinking they poorly compressed certain albums maybe? 


Other songs/albums I've listened to sound fantastic, but I've come across a few "duds" and the Room for Squares album is definitely staticky on multiple platforms.

Anything you think is a content error can be reported directly to the Spotify content team using the instructions outlined in this topic. Once you have submitted a query, the content team will investigate and then pass any needed details over to the record label to request a correction/change if needed (so it can take some time unfortunately!). 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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