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how do you block artist on spotify?

how do you block artist on spotify?


Plan: Premium

Country: UK

Device: iPhone 8 Plus & Mac Pro

Operating System: iOS 10.13


I was on twitter and the topic of not being able to block artists came up on my timeline (PIC 1). this is an opition i've always wanted, as there are so many artists i hate. someone replied to the tweet saying that you could (in PIC 2) and then explained how (PIC 3). i followed the instructions of what the person said, when i did no options about blocking an artist came up. only an option to report them.


so i was wondering why and how this user had this option. is there a way to enable it in settings or??? 


im posting this here as i know there are a lot of spotify users on here who would love this option and so if any of you some how know how to please let us know!!!



1 Reply

Hey @firdawsahmad Welcome to the Spotify Community!


Not exactly sure how that user was able to get a feature to block/hide certain users from their account. I do know that there was a idea floating around about being able to block certain artist. However, that idea was closed with Spotify stating that they decided to not offer this feature. 


Go to this Idea Page Link to see the full statement from Spotify.


Happy Listening

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