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Alphabetizing Playlist


Alphabetizing Playlist

Can the playlist be sorted alphabetized?

87 Replies




I cannot "Alphabetize" my playlist.


I can't use "command" "F"  to find a title of my Playlist.



"STARRED" folder


I used to be able to "*"  or "check" a song , and it automatically went into my "starred" playlist - I haven't been able to do that for a while. How come?



Any remedies planned???







I see NOTHING that says you can ALPHABETIZE you PLAYLIST.


what was POSTED is NOT any Solution



I see NOTHING that says you can ALPHABETIZE you PLAYLIST.


what was POSTED is NOT any Solution to this problem

sorting your playlists by alpha should be out of the box....over three years and spotify doesn't have this most basic of features for desktop/laptop....spotify is still the best music streaming service but this kind of bone headed lack of feature just makes you want to puke and hurl...and as usual nobody from spotify responds at all....years of requests for the most simple thing spotify.....puke and hurl

I agree, a simple requests and Spotify does not responds, which tells me

Please please add this feature! At this point I have at least several dozen if not hundreds of self-made playlists on Spotify... I depend on this to keep my music organized. Please help out music lovers and add this feature, it would provide SO MUCH peace of mind! Thanks.

Can you alphabetized songs as I save them?

The mobile app automatically alphabatizes so how hard is it to do that on the desktop version?

IT should not be difficult to program a USER OPTION to Alpha/Numeric sort on PLAYLIST...or at least assign an numeric count number as albums are downloaded in a gotta make life easier for users. Many thanks, Navybear in Maine

I completely agree, what is the big deal about Alphabetizing the Playlist ?

Find someone who can do it, and complete the work. Any programming out of
high school should be able to do this one simple job



It is very hard when your playlist grows and grows to FIND ANYTHING EASILY.

Very shocking that after years and years of suggesting this feature, it is STILL not available.  Is there a reason why this is not an option?  Iphone, Ipad, Droid and all other mobile devices have the feature of alphabetizing playlists, so why not on a PC or Mac?  I guess the answer will forever be ignored. smh!

Playlist management is really week in Spotify. It's a shame that they aren't paying attention to something so important.

This thread says there's a solution but clearly there's not! I've been with Spotify since the beginning, I gave hundreds of playlists. This is maddening and needs to be addressed. I'm guessing anyone who knows how to write code could solve this in about 10 minutes!

This is not a solution!! It is an idea. Why can I not sort playlists alphabetically in Mac. I can do that with the iPhone spotify app. This has been asked for years!!


With Apple music I can do that. I guess it's time to switch...

So in short three is stil no option to just push a button stating  and in effect putting all my diff playlists info alfabetical order?

bad bad peolpe

apart from the fact that all I use is spotify premium!!


can I help?

i have more improvements/ extra options

why not

What does this infer? What does this tell us about Spotify? Has anyone from Spotify ever tried to provide support? Ever been part of the conversation? As far as I know, the answer is a big NO!! So it's not rocket science to conclude that Spotify does not listen or care about their customers. Since they are the way they are, and I'm sure you have way to describe them. Put your words into action, campaign for what you want!! Use social media, email their support team, letters, whatever it takes to have their CEO hear our voice !!

What happened Spotify?????  When I first began using this app,  playlists were alphabetized.  You guys changed it up.  Now it's an annoying pain to have to search through a long list.  Please can you bring back the old feature and allow Premium members to get the playlist in order.  



I find the way to sort my playlist alphabetically on my iphone app but I can't find it on my laptop (Windows Computer App.). 


Could someone tell me how to do it please? 


Thnaks a lot 🙂 





Yes you can sort them that way! Spotify's website tells you how and it's great


It's just like hitting the title sort button in itunes or on the computer it is amazing and fairly easy. Just make sure you are pulling the playlist all the way up till you see the semi faded filter search bar. Its right next to that. Not the Edit Playlist one cause it took me a minute to figure it out. Just pull up till it won't let ou anymore. 

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