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Bitdefender false positives?

Bitdefender false positives?



Country (USA)



(Aspire E 15 Laptop)

Operating System

(Windows 10)


My Question or Issue

So, I'm getting what I assume to be false positives from Bitdefender Free in the form of: Suspicious.Cloud.xxxxxxxx, path: C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\prefs.tmp


This is happening a lot. Not sure if you guys were aware


7 Replies

Same here.


This is happening to me too, I've tried reinstalling it and I'm not sure what's happening, I haven't installed any new apps and I've run virus scans on my computer. It has showed up as no threats but bitdefender is saying spotify has some kind of virus or threat. So I don't know if i have a virus or if my account is okay, and my computer as well.

Same problem is happening to me too! Whenever I open Spotify I have to log in. I also receive a notification from Bitdefender saying that a threat is blocked. 

I am a little bit worried. Have you done anything else in an attempt to fix it?

Same, I had to log in every time I open. I don't know what else to do and I'm worried.

I immediately changed my password. Definitely going to be annoying having to log in every time we open Spotify.

Hopefully things are better tomorrow.

I got a notification on my android phone with a certain song. Scam alert in category spam

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