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Can't listen to local files

Can't listen to local files

I am trying to import local .mp3 files and they are unplayable through the spotify app. I can play the files through windows media player and the songs are showing up on my local files list. When I try to play them through the spotify app, I get the following error message: This song is not avaialbe. If you have the file on your computer you can import it. 


Has anyone else had this issue? I've tried deleting the files and redownloading them, created new folders, toggle the local file source in the Spotify app. 

2 Replies

i had the same thing, few things i can suggest, reset permissions to your music library there are tools for this that make it easy (type like ntfs attribute reset tool), that may be one of the reasons, fat**/exfat does not have this problem due to lack of file permission's, i also suspect that may be local network problem, do u have this files in few devices?, next step, delete spotifi's cache and then check  who has the rights to that directory, make ntfs sure that there are no conflicts, also check what encoders and spec of compression is used (using vlc/mdp) i may be... exotic, also check if you dont have few directories added with exactly the same files, you may also purge everything with fire and rebuild check your level of anger then proceed, something useful would be trying to copy this files in archive to s and trying to see is they are discovered, also. your antivirus may sandbox processes and make then unable to reache beside trap, sorry if this  anserw is not helpfull, ist mine first and its hard to level explanations simple vs fast ones 🙂 i will check in docs all possible causes of that problem if that won't work, if i need to expand some of my points please say so. 🙂 one more thing, reinstall codecs, it maybe issiue with local codecs, reinstall spotify or reinstall and install klite codec pack or similar pack of third party compression libraries)

try going through Groove music to first play the mp3 music then it will transfer to Spotify

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