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Error Code 4. Forever.

Error Code 4. Forever.

I'm constantly stuck with ERROR CODE 4, meaning that the internet connection is not detected. My computer is fully connected to the internet. The only app that I'm having a problem with is Spotify. This only happens on my Windows app. I've been using the Web Player for the last 2 weeks, but I'd rather not carry on using it.

One odd part of this is that when I'm playing music on my phone or the web player, it has the green bar at the bottom of the window saying what device I'm listening on, it displays the album artwork, and I'm able to control my music from the app. So the fact that I'm being thrown Error Code 4 is obviously wrong. The attatchment shows what my window looks like when I'm playing music.


I have tried:

  • Checking spotify is up to date
  • Making sure spotify is allowed through the firewall
  • Making sure my antivirus isn't blocking the app
  • Changing IPv4 DNS settings (to,
  • Changing proxy settings
  • Reinstalling spotify

This is incredibly frustrating as every troubleshooting step I've seen is listed above, and nothing works.

10 Replies

Same here, this is a clear bug! Fix asap please!

Hey there @musichooley and @vhartong


Thanks for reaching out to us about this - we'll be glad to help you out here.

Just to confirm, have you tried a clean reinstall instead of the regular one? We recommend this step as it'll remove the old drivers first and then install the new ones. This tends to solve issues with the app's performance.


Give your device a quick restart as well before you open the newly installed app.


It's also a good idea to test if you observe the same under a different network. If it works with another connection, it's best to contact the service provider of the original network for more information. For example, some shared or public networks (e.g. schools/work/office) might restrict access to certain services, which would explain what happened here.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted. 

Yes I tried a clean reinstall, and the same error occurs on a different network.

For a premium service cost, this sure is a consistent problem!!!! What gives Spotify?  I'm not paying $10 a month to see this on my Windows 10 machine.image.png

Completely uninstalled, reinstalled, and logged back into the app - STILL NOTHING... just the Error code:4 message.


Seriously guys - I'll have to cancel my subscription if you can't get the app to work on Windows.  My wifi is working fine as I'm typing this right in the browser.

Incredibly, a few weeks after I made the post it fixed itself!
BUT now, the problem has started happening on my laptop too. I'm now angry that I've had the same unfixable bug twice, and I expect much better from such an important program.

I'm also having this issue. Twice this week the application has reported itself unable to connect for hours at a time. It resolves itself eventually. It is not a network, ISP, or reinstall problem, it's a bug in the app.


Please can Spotify support give us some steps we can take to debug the issue properly? Like which Spotify process we can provide a Dump of, tcp tracing we can do etc. This problem has affected many people for many years and it's about time it was addressed properly - in the code - rather than these half-baked 'have you reinstalled?' responses.


My hypothesis is that it's a problem with a handshake between client and Spotify servers. Can you provide a set of IP's or a subnet of addresses the servers use so we can trace the connections?

Happening again for the fifth day in a row. Have cleared the cache, have reinstalled, etc etc etc.


How do we get support for this paid product?


I fixed my issue by disabling the NLA Service in the Registry.


For the application to depend on this for everything it claims about connectivity is shoddy. Whether it is turned on or turned off the app makes calls out to at least six different hosts in the domain so why perform all those calls (including authentication!) and then claim to be offline?


If you can authenticate you aren't offline.


Just remove the calls to the NLA Service from the sourcecode. It serves no purpose.

Bumping this back up because it's happening again. Spotify is still dependent on nlasvc for playback of music, despite not being dependent on it to authenticate, search, download album art etc. The service is unreliable and/or you are not implementing it correctly.


Remind me why I'm paying for a premium account again? It's been years since this was first pointed out to you.

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