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Full Screen Problem

Full Screen Problem






Windows Surface Book 3

Operating System

Windows 11


My Question or Issue

When I resize the app to Full Screen, I see some empty gaps on the bottom line, showing my desktop wallpaper colors. Please open the image on a separate tab to see its details.

Screenshot 2023-02-02 143440.png
7 Replies

I've never noticed this, but I see it too, on both monitors.

Could you please reply with your Spotify version and Windows scaling settings?


I'm on

Spotify for Windows


Screen 1:

200% scaling


Screen 2:

125% scaling



You can find your Spotify version by going to Help > About Spotify


You can find your display resolution and scale in Settings (Win + I) > Display, scroll down to Scale & Layout




Examples of problem:




Thanks for your reply. I am happy to see that I'm not the only one with this issue.


Here is the information you requested:

Spotify for Windows


I am using an external screen with the following display settings:

Screenshot 2023-02-02 145820.jpg


Thanks for the info. Since this issue is happening at a common resolution and normal scaling, I would assume that it is a bug happening to everyone. I will see what I can find on it.


It appears that this problem has been around since 2018 (see this post). It was fixed but was noticed to be broken again in 2021 (this post). I assume it has been like this since then. The issue has been reported to Spotify engineers previously, but as far as I can tell, there have been no updates (see this post).

Maybe attention will be brought to this subject again.

Thanks for looking it up. It's a shame that this has been around for many years but has not been fixed. I hope this post will bring more attention to the bug.

It's most likely related to Win11's desktop/taskbar scaling, I use 1440p resolution with 125% scaling. Weirdly, it was away at some point for a day or two some time ago, but came back after that.


I figured, but I also remember having this problem on my 1080p monitor at 100% scaling on Win 10. I just never paid it any attention.

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