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Lyrics feature unavailable


Lyrics feature unavailable

Hey Community!
Just a heads up that our Lyrics feature on desktop is currently unavailable as we're making some big improvements to the feature. We'll share more updates soon. 
We can also confirm our partnership with Musixmatch is ending. It was a great partnership and there is mutual respect between both companies as our business strategies move us each in different directions.
iOS users can get lyrics and annotations on some tracks via our partnership with Genius. Check out the info here
Please share any feedback you have here in the Community. Feel free to vote for this idea too. 
1,005 Replies

"It's really nasty, rude and in bad taste - the darn : "Humming is fun" message. Your marketing PR are IDIOTS who insult your users. It is a snotty little slap in the face **bleep** "tongue in cheek" joke at the expense of those who like the feature. It isn't funny. It isn't cute. People are pissed.Take it down and genuinely apologize because people paid for this feature when they signed up."


Thank you so much for that reply. It's exactly how I feel right now.. This is such a pissy situation, and the lyrics have been down for weeks. If it's not resolved in a few months, I'm done with Spotify. I will not be scammed by some cheeky asshats who think they can take away my notifications, and now my lyrics.

bring it back 

Just the big question for you is how long you'll share those improvements. I don't think any subscriber is waiting for your improvements a long month or a long year. You'll lose a lot of app fans and subscribers if you take a long time to share a better lyrics database as musixmatch have. Regards

So, nearly a month now and still nothing? I won't go as far as threatening to end my subscription over this, but here's some fruit for thought:

We were able to write more complex scripts in my college courses than a lyric readoff in a week. Heck, I'm sure people would be fine with simply displaying the lyrics in full with a scroll bar. I realize bug testing is a pain and assume your teams are probably assigned to bigger projects for the time being, but this really shouldn't take a month.

When does it come back?

It´s been over a month now...

Dude, this feels really retarded. sorry for the language, but both notifications and lyrics are great features. stop making us pay for unnecessary things... please.

Just for your information, if you use a previous version of Spotify, not very old, but just not the latest one (in my case i'm still using version from a couple of months ago), both the notification bell and the lyrics issues are (partially) solved. The notification system behind the bell works perfect, the bell icon never disappeared (if you use the latest version the bell icon is not there any more). And I'm still getting new notifications every day through the bell. And the lyrics feature keeps showing to you any lyric you have previosly viewed (even with the times sync for karaoke), but will not show any new lyric you request. That means that at least you can continue to sing the songs you've viewed lyrics before. Obviously it's not the feature as it should be, but it's way better than always getting the "humming" message.

Guys, instead of boycotting Spotify, just go to a lyrics site such as Genius and find your lyrics there until Spotify finishes their improvements on the Lyrics feature as Musixmatch ended their agreement with Spotify, so now Spotify has to find an alternative lyrics provider, or they have to make their own lyrics database. Give them time. Lyrics will hopefully be back soon.

That's the main problem most have with the current situation. Most lyrics sites are notorious for shady load times due to ads and the like without the use of certain browser addons which can take away ad revenue from even sites that deserve the income along with whatever your fix is. Those that aren't riddled with these ads don't have a comprehensive database and therefor aren't ideal for those who listen to artists that site doesn't feature. I realize even MM couldn't give us lyrics for ALL songs, but it was pretty darn close. It's also simply more convenient to view within Spotify rather than having to tab between it and a browser, plus re-searching the site/sites whenever the next song comes up. I currently do this and it honestly takes away from the time I could be spending just listening to new material (or material that's new to myself).

How much longer will the lyrics be unavailable? One of the main reasons I love Spotify so much is because of the lyrics option. 

Do people not realise that they are improving the lyrics not removing it lol?

Oh Yeah, just like they "improved" the app a few months ago and removed great functions, such as your ability to see your Top 10 music, apps and now notifications and lyrics. I don't know whats wrong with those people. 

@itsemcorry wrote:

How much longer will the lyrics be unavailable? One of the main reasons I love Spotify so much is because of the lyrics option. 

I have no idea, sadly. But it should be back soon.

@user-removed wrote:

Oh Yeah, just like they "improved" the app a few months ago and removed great functions, such as your ability to see your Top 10 music, apps and now notifications and lyrics. I don't know whats wrong with those people. 

They aren't removing lyrics. If they were removing it, they would've said that they were removing the feature, not improving it.

They're are not improving anything. One of the two company's decided to end their contract.This is what happened. 


Now, Spotify will partner with Genius or just let it go and bury lyrics with other features they removed. And people are not angry because Spotify removed lyrics, people are angry because Spotify doesn't care to explain why. They could respect users and say something like "I'm sorry, we had to end the partnership with our provider, but there's a team working on a solution and will keep you updated". That's it.


One month. In one month, they could provide an alternative to their users. They could put something simple and say "hey guys, while we work on our new lyrics interface, you can use this simplified version". 


But no. One month and  we have nothing. Not even a update from staff. That's why people are angry and considering Spotify history, I would not be surprised if lyrics are gone forever.  


they should lower the subscription fee too when they removed such important feature

it never fails to amaze me how people don't realize that they pay for the music. i thought that'd be pretty obvious but apparently not. 

Don't get me wrong. I hate to see features go as much as anyone else but access to the catalogue is what you're paying for, so you can listen to the music legally and without any (almost) limitations.

I do not know about other people, but I am paying for the whole experience.For optimized desktop and mobile apps,for the music,for the lyrics and generally all that can me embodied in a music application.


I am a premium member for three full years now and I occasionally need good reasons for not leaving spotify for other music apps that come into existence ever more frequently.If I was here just for the music as you say I could do as virtually everyone else I know and watch the video clips in YouTube.


Furthermore,I am greek so I can't speak or understand english fluently.Lyrics are a very importand factor for me as far as music is concerned,especially in rap songs I love but can't understand in full.Even youtube has lyrics in videos if you search for it.

Please don't speak for everyone. I'm angry because they removed the lyrics.
I don't care how temporary it is. How about I choose to remove $2 of my
monthly payment?

Are they there now? No. Am I still paying the same price? Yes. So there is
less value now. I don't care how temporary it is, I'm angry. Either you
knew you were going to do this- in which case you need to plan to do it
seamlessly or you come out, explain what happened, APOLOGIZE, offer a
choice of a discounted subscription while being resolved or to place my
subscription on a hiatus until the features are resumed.

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