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Minimized Spotify + Hotkeys


Minimized Spotify + Hotkeys







Operating System

Windows 8.1


My Question or Issue:

Hi! I've been wondering how to enable hotkeys while Spotify is minimized? My keyboard has no next/previous/play/pause keys so I'd like to be able to use ctrl+arrow to quickly browse without having to maximize the program.


I've already checked relevant threads, but none of the solutions appear to work for me. The threads were too old to reply to, hence this new one.


Stuff I tried:

Disabling media key handling in Brave

Turning off programs I think may cause a hotkey conflict

Checked whether I had Google Play extensions in Brave (I don't!)


I don't have an FN key, so it can't be that. Hotkeys work fine when Spotify is maximized. I'm not sure if the keys not working while the program is minimized is intentional or not.


Can anyone help me out? I'm not looking for third party software. Thanks!



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Hey @user-removed 


Spotify does not have global hotkeys by default unfortunately.

There are people using various keyboard mapping apps such as AutoHotkey (where you have to write a script for this) or Hotkeyz. There also used to be a little app called Toastify, which was built for global Spotify hotkeys. I am not sure if this app is functional any longer though. Very likely not.
There are many different AutoHotkey scripts for Spotify. Again I can't tell which ones should work, but if you find something newer, it should work.


The only OS I have successfully managed to create global hotkeys for Spotify is.. Linux. 🙂 No scripts, no installing of apps, just a dbus command and its designated key combination.
I haven't found anything on Windows that would send commands to programs like that, yet.


I wish I could help you better, but I was troubled with this myself on Windows. Ended up using other keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate to Spotify and back.

Have a nice day!

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14 Replies

Anyone? I just want this basic function to work for me.

Still can't find a way to enable the hotkeys.

Marked as solution

Hey @user-removed 


Spotify does not have global hotkeys by default unfortunately.

There are people using various keyboard mapping apps such as AutoHotkey (where you have to write a script for this) or Hotkeyz. There also used to be a little app called Toastify, which was built for global Spotify hotkeys. I am not sure if this app is functional any longer though. Very likely not.
There are many different AutoHotkey scripts for Spotify. Again I can't tell which ones should work, but if you find something newer, it should work.


The only OS I have successfully managed to create global hotkeys for Spotify is.. Linux. 🙂 No scripts, no installing of apps, just a dbus command and its designated key combination.
I haven't found anything on Windows that would send commands to programs like that, yet.


I wish I could help you better, but I was troubled with this myself on Windows. Ended up using other keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate to Spotify and back.

Have a nice day!

Thank you for your answer!


I assumed there were hotkeys because the playback menu actually shows me hotkeys and I'm not using any add-ons. So there's no way to get those to work? I assume they're a remnant from an older build then. That's too bad and I hope they will remove them soon so it won't confuse people like it confused me.


Thanks for the help! Now I know it's a dead end. Will save me lots of searching and frustration!

Apologies, didn't see it sooner.
I believe the keyboard combinations shown in the menu for playback can be used while the app is active on your screen.


Spotify has quite a few shortcuts that you can use: all visible here. Just, no global hotkeys.

WORKAROUND for Windows: !!   If your keyboard doesn't have  PLAY, etc multimedia keys:
You can MAP eg. F8 key to simulate  PLAY/PAUSE Key!! ‌😊‌   And use it with Spotify!

Using the simple program:  SharpKeys

Other keys can be mapped too.

Enjoy! ‌😃

Could you share your dbus command?

Thanks in advance

I just have Spotify open on my phone and control it on it. Works a treat.

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to forward keyboard shortcuts to the spotify process while it's running in the background, im specifically looking for options+shift+B to like a song, so if I'm listenening to Discover Weekely I can just add the currently playing song to my Liked Songs without having to open the spotify app.

Toastify is no longer compatible with the latest version of Spotify (see also - why can't such a simple function simply be implemented in the desktop app?

Tastify no longer detects Spotify window. we need a fix or alternative solution 

Efficient Listening: Streamlined Spotify with Hotkeys Integration

I ended up using Microsoft PowerToys and enabled the keyboard manager and used the Remap a shortcut section. This allowed me to map ctrl + alt + left, up, right arrows to previous track, play/pause media and the next track keyboard buttons that I don't have on my keyboard. Works globally from what I can tell which is very nice too.

I am using the same - Microsoft PowerToys - Keyboard Manager and it works like a charm 🙂


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