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New feature gone?

New feature gone?

So i logged on to my spotify today, and saw that the "New" feature was gone, and some horrible discover feature now is there instead. 
Sure its a great feature for does who want to discover music etc. But the new Feature shouldn't disappear due to a other feature that i guess a lot of people wont like. Just as me, so IM thinking why just not add it back as "new" and also have that Discover thing there too?
Why is there a need to remove it the old "new" tab?
I find the new feature really horrible, its really messy and no search option in the "discover" feature, and its basically just showing "related artists" which is already a feature if you go on to the Artist you like and click there. There is no need for this feature. 
I would say its probably the worst feature to ever appear on spotify. 

Can i get a valid answer to why such feature replaces the "new" tab which was actually REALLY GOOD. Since spotify announcements doesn't seem to be working as it should when new albums / songs are released from artists it has a delay on about 2-4 days before it gives you an announcement. 
So i would really like to know why is this?

1 Reply

I like the new release feature of the opening page on the OLD version of spotify desktop

this DISCOVER page.. that scrolls on forever... offers nothing but suggestions based on songs ive listened to and the suggestions are years old songs that were released.


i like the the old version of spotify and wish inever upgraded


please put back a prominent new release section


we want to stay current

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