Help Wizard

Step 1


Not show the functions local files

Not show the functions local files







Sistema Operacional

Windows 10


Minha pergunta ou questão

The function of local files and editing the photo of the playlist does not appear

spotify 1.png
spotify 2.png
4 Replies

Hey there @SnavsBrozoski


Thanks for reaching out to the Community about this. 


We’re often testing and launching improvements and new features. This means you might see something on the app your friend doesn’t, or get a new feature to try only temporarily. Check out this help article for more info about test features.


We’d also suggest you go to this Live Idea created by other users and add your vote to it by clicking on the +VOTE button. We always take new ideas and feedback into consideration to improve the app. Here you can read more on how ideas work. As a heads-up, it's good to know that the higher the number of votes an idea gets, the more likely it is for the idea to be implemented 🙂 


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any more questions. 

And even though they saw that the community was not satisfied, they did nothing

It would appear the functionality of these features are gone. Even on Windows 10 USA 1.1.32-1.1.34 so far. The app shows the features in the menu here but they appear to ignore your choices. you can't upload profile pictures and you can't disable local files from showing up search in USA.

I’m from Brazil and what they’re doing is disrespect for the consumer, they removed their functions and act like it’s good, I’ll cancel my subscription and tell everyone I know that this service is HORRIBLE.

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