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Spotify IP Address Range?

Spotify IP Address Range?

Spotify has recently seemed to start using some IP addresses on the Google Cloud. Those IP addresses don't seem to be documented anywhere, which means my IT department cannot open port 4070 to allow Spotify to work on our network.


Is there anyone at Spotify that can give me all the IP address ranges that I need have opened up for Spotify to work?

3 Replies

Hey @gromer, welcome to the Community!


Sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with Spotify on your office network.


We're afraid we're unable to provide a range of IP addresses, as these can change at any time. To offer the best performance and availability, we need to be fully flexible in how we design our networks.


Hope that helps clear everything up.

Are you able to comment on the client application failing over to port 443 if port 4070 does not work? The internet seems to think the Spotify client does this, but it doesn't look like it to me.



Sorry I know this question is over a year old but just thought you and any google free spirits finding this page should know, SergioDavid either doesnt know what hes talking about or he is not allowed to release info (surprise surprise) regarding blocking spotify even though it might be for legitimate corporate reasons. Heck even Facebook does that? Just visit the below page, and block or allow accordingly. I have been using these IPv4/6 addresses for just over 2 years now and can confirm it captures all addresses which allow the website and app on at least windows and android. Cheers.

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