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Why am I getting random podcasts instead of the next in the series?

Why am I getting random podcasts instead of the next in the series?




New Zealand


HP Laptop

Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

I have just started using Spotify, and am using the Chrome browser version (I have not downloaded an app). I'm listening to a single specific podcast. Whenever I finish an episode, a completely random *different* podcast starts playing, instead of the next episode in the podcast series. In the queue, it says "Next from [podcast name]", but then lists random podcast names, and I can't seem to delete them. How do I get it to only play the podcast I'm listening to? I want it to autoplay the next one in the series.


6 Replies

Hi there @Sweetoonz,


Thanks for reaching out. This behaviour is quite strange. We tried reproducing this on our end but our results are inconclusive. Could you please provide us the following:

  • Is this on all devices or only on specific one(s)? If possible, could you install the app and see if it happens there as well?
  • When did this start happening?
  • Does this happen with any podcast you start playing?
  • What exactly plays afterwards? Is the podcast completely random, a specific one or random episodes from the podcast you're already on?
  • What do you see in the queue whenever this happens? If you manually queue the desired episodes, do they play as expected?
  • A video of the behaviour. If the files are too large to attach here in the Community, you can send them to us via Google Drive or as unlisted YouTube videos.

With this information, we’d be happy to investigate.

Keep us posted.


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Hi Joan,

Many thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I'm away from home today, so won't be able to answer everything until I'm back in tomorrow...

The easy ones to answer are:

* I only use Spotify via Chrome on my laptop, so it's only the one device.

* I've only used Spotify once (yesterday; 30th April), so that's when it started happening for me 🙂

* I've only tried it with the one podcast - I'll test with some others tomorrow.

* I've attached a Snip that I took yesterday of what I see with the podcast - you can see in the queue that, whilst it says "Next from Peak Performance Perspectives", the podcasts listed underneath are not related to the show at all. Peak Performance Perspectives has four episodes (it's still very new), so I'd be expecting to see the next two listed. I'd had to start Episode two manually because it jumped from Episode One to a completely different podcast.


I'll need to play with queuing manually, trying the other podcasts, getting you a video and trying the app when I'm at home tomorrow. I hope I wouldn't have to manually queue the whole time, given the other podcasts I'm looking at listening to have hundreds of episodes!


Hi Joan - thank you for replying so quickly. I tried to answer your questions and my reply was rejected as spam. I don't know why. So this is just letting you know that I appreciate your support. I'll try to test your points when I'm back at home tomorrow, but I may have to reply as a PM if the moderators don't let me answer publicly.

Thanks! ST.

Hey @Sweetoonz,


Apologies for the misunderstanding, you reply was flagged as spam by our system but is now visible again. If this happens again, let us know and we'll take care of it.


In the meantime, another thing than can help in our investigation is checking whether the same behavior persists when using a different account.


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.

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Sorry for the delay in finishing the answer - work got busier than expected! (plus as a tech clutz, it was challenging to work out how to record something without pointing my phone at the laptop screen... 🙃)


It's behaving really weirdly in Chrome - with the small podcast, I was able to add another episode to the queue, and it played successfully. But when I jumped back to the previous episode to try to test again (and had turned the recording off, obviously...), it kept on just playing the new episode (even when I was pressing the 'play' button on the first episode!). When I cleared the queue, it then added all the episodes from that podcast, and had nothing else in the queue so a small win, I guess?


However, I did capture it twice on a separate podcast - videos here: - this one shows me manually adding the next podcast in the queue, and it playing ok once the episode finishes - this one shows the ending of the *next* episode (and not the last in the series) - the subsequent episode in the series doesn't play, but a *totally* random one does.


I'm also not able to remove *any* of the 'Next up' random items - see screenshot for my options.


However, I did download the app, and this behaves as I'd expect it to (just queuing up the next episodes of the podcast I'm listening to.


So - not sure why the browser version behaves so weirdly? I didn't particularly want to download the app, but now I've got it, I'll have a play and see how it goes.




Hey @Sweetoonz,


Thanks for letting us know! Glad this works as intended on the desktop app 🙂

My assumption is that something is off with the podcast formatting itself and that it's interfering with the successful playback of the podcast episodes on web. On our end we couldn't even start playing the podcast on the Web Player, let alone queue up the next episode when the first one finishes. All other podcast titles did play fine and we had no issues with the one in question playing on the desktop app as well, so that would be the best way to go (for the time being at least!).

We appreciate you taking your time to look into this with us and wish you a good day.
The Community is here for you in case any further questions come up. Cheers!

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