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Create New Playlist

I need music for my new playlist. Drop links below

41 Replies

Hey @viczgeoham


What kind of music are you looking for?

All genres of music.  Let's share your music track

My first song (on my 8th upcoming instrumental album) rocks in my opinion:) Check it out!


Brian Dalton - Somewhere already added

Thank you so much:)

Followed you as well:)

Your song car crash already added to the playlist

Hey there, i just Released the second Single of my Debut Album, maybe you could add it to your Playlist if you like it, iโ€˜m just an independent Artist trying to get an audience:D.

I have a wide range of music so I will let you pick.

I have just released a new EP. Maybe one of the tracks will fit on your playlist ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Excuse me, Bro 

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