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New album by Dragon Extinction


New album by Dragon Extinction

I have a brand new album I would like to share. It doesn't fit neatly into one genre. I call it just for sake of using the genre tag for the kind of music it is. I call it hybrid ambient which also includes storytelling. The reason I chose hybrid ambient as my music doesn't fit nicely into one type of ambient. I know many "ambient" artists tend to fit narrowly into dark ambient, drone ambient, space ambient or just play sleeping pill ambient. I tend to morph through various of those and also just plain old TD type electronic.  Well here is the new album, feel free to use it in any of your playlists


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One thing I would like to add is this album is the final chapter for a story I have been telling since my Slingshot Around Worlds albums  and everyone up till this album. The story is called Dimensional Dreams. I plan on adding these final tracks to a playlist that includes all of the tracks that are part of the story.

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