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Premium Family







What is Premium Family?

Premium Family is a discount subscription for up to 6 family members who live together. The subscription plan includes a separate Spotify account for each user, so everyone keeps their own music and login details. 



How to use Premium Family as a manager?

The Premium Family manager is the member who signs up for the plan and gets charged by Spotify on a monthly basis. The manager can also invite or remove members by logging in to their Family page



How to use Premium Family as a member?

Members can join a Family plan once the manager have sent them an invite. To accept the invite, you must live at the same address as the plan manager, make sure you're logged in to your own Spotify account and provide the correct address by either using location services or entering it manually.



How does the billing work?

Spotify only charges the plan manager, never the invited members. If you see unexpected charges, you can check our guide for finding any additional accountsThe full amount is being charged monthly, regardless of if members join. If you've already subscribed for Premium with us, your billing will switch automatically and you won’t need to cancel anything. 


If you subscribed to Premium before becoming a member of a Family plan, your plan will be automatically cancelled once you join. As mentioned above, the manager will be the only one charged for the Family plan.


Keep in mind that if your current Premium plan is associated with a partner, you first need to cancel with them and wait for your current Premium to end.



What features does the plan offer?


  • Change address. If you move or the wrong details were entered at signup, the plan manager can change the address by logging in to their Family page. Existing members may be asked to confirm the new address to continue using the plan.


  • Family MixFamily Mix is a playlist combining the music you and the other members of the plan listen to. It comes preloaded with genres, artists, and songs you’ve all played on your own, and updates more as all of you play. Your music doesn’t appear in Family Mix until you join. If you leave, your songs are removed.


  • Manage explicit content. The plan manager can choose to allow or block content marked as explicit for each member of the plan. Keep in mind that our explicit tags are based on information we receive from the rights-holders. It’s possible some explicit content may not be tagged, so won’t be blocked from playing with these steps. 


Users can switch between different Premium Family or Premium Duo plans, but only once in 12 months. If you try switching more than once, you’ll get an error message saying You can’t join this plan.





If the plan manager decides to switch between Family and/or Duo, this doesn’t affect the invited members and is considered the same plan. The 12 months start counting from the first time a user switched plans. 


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