Help Wizard

Step 1


Ability to Delete Radio Stations

Why are you guys starting us out with Radio stations that you pick for us. Why can't we have no stations and then decide on genre or artists ourselves. Now I'm stuck with a David Guetta station and I don't even know who he is. Also why can't we get a like or dislike button for the songs that come up in the radio station. Skipping a song doesn't mean we don't like it, maybe we are just not in the mood to listen to it at that time.


2014-04-25 Hey everyone. We're back again! And we're excited to announce this idea status is now "Implemented". Now you can delete radio stations on desktop, web, iPhone, and Android. Thanks for your feedback everyone! We're excited to give you this feature based on your support for this idea.


When I delete a radio, and then try to re add it, it still has the songs I previously liked (thumbs up?)... which is not helpful at all. I have accidentally hit thumbs up on my favorite radio. How can I remove the songs I liked accidentally?


I don't even use the Radio Station feature. I'm not in the least interested in a Radio Station feature. However, quite recently I've noticed that when I Search for a song, or add it to a Playlist that random songs (noted as Radio Song) appear on my Recently Played list. I had then left the house & was out of wifi range, then when I got to my next destination with wifi I noted that my Recently Played list was huge... & all the time chewing up my data allowance from my Mobile Provider.

I don't want Spotify choosing random songs for me that I'm not even listening to, or eating into my data allowance because I've been unaware it's firing out random song choices. 

Is it something I've clicked on my iPhone; is it something I can disable; or can Spotify stop this from happening? I moved to a Premium account years ago but these so called "improvements" are actually quite irritating. As a paying customer the better idea is to give the customers a choice on these matters. I'm perfectly happy making up my own Playlists without Spotify suggesting & playing tracks without my knowledge. 



For Pete's sake, this is a no brainer! 

If it's so easy then explain how too delete a unwanted radio station.....

I hover over stations & no X appears too delete station.  I wouldn't be a problem but I have quite a few & too scroll through till u find the station u want too hear is annoying so reducing unwanted stations would help....


This is sloppy, Spotify. If you have removed a feature, you can't continue to claim that the feature was 'implemented' and ignore requests for its re-implementation. (And no, the unfollow button does not delete radio stations).

I Agree 100%......

Not helping sever it let me here i just want to right a report how to delete my station in my recent play and the song in it


What about deleting a Daily Mix?  I played some greek songs 3 weeks ago on vacation.  They have been deleted from my Spotify.  Then this morning a new Daily Mix showed up with only GREEK artists!  I have deleted all greek artists from my songs, artists, albums and playlists.... and I cannot get rid of this Daily Mix.  Help!

Your (daily mix) is bay's off of what you play so it like a radio station
it play simmer song