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Step 1


[All Platforms] Explicit Filter

Add a button that controls whether Explicit songs are played or not.  When it is off and you're listening to an album or playlist, the explicit songs are skipped. That way you can still listen to your favorite album or playlist when more impressionable members of the family (kids / parents) are around.

Updated on 2018-12-06

Hey folks!

It's great to hear music as the artist intended it to be heard, this means Spotify can sometimes include explicit content.
We recommend looking out for the EXPLICIT tag on any releases (E on the web player).
Note: Our explicit content tags are applied based on information we receive from rights-holders. This means we can’t guarantee all explicit content is marked as such. 

It's also now possible to use the Explicit content filter on mobile and tablet devices (more devices coming soon!). Right now, the setting is only for the individual account and device. If you do apply the setting on your phone, it doesn't filter explicit content for the same account on the desktop app. It also doesn’t apply if you use Spotify Connect to play to another device. For more information on this, check out this support article.

We'll keep you up-to-date if there's anything else to share!


This is something I have always thought was a good idea. I didn't realize it had been an outstanding "bug" for this long. Wow. Something to implement for Xmas Santa Spotify?


It shouldn't take 5 years. And the last update is around a year from now...


Spotify - is there an update you can provide here?  It's been 5 years in the making...


i want to upvote, but the button is greyed out.  please add a explicit filter. 


Is it just that everybody in spotify is under 30 and/or doesn't have kids?  


Right now, your APIs actually provide the metadata to enable filtering/skipping songs with explicit lyrics.  Why cannot this be done right now?  If I was so inclined, I could write a client to do this myself.  Oh, I've just remembered that I pay spotify money to provide a service, so I'm not inclined to write this myself. This is the most requested enhancement and has been around forever.   


Repeating what dozens of other posters have said:  This is a deal breaker - I really want to stay but I cannot continue to facilitate the kids accidentally, or intentionally, listening to explicit lyrics in songs. 


It's like the netflix folk when they consistently said that nobody wanted a download feature, cue its now being one of the most used features.  Just admit you have made a small mistake and that is actually a feature that will be heavily used.  Go on. 


Please enable this feature.       


wow - Spotify - We have people OFFERING to do the work and YOU STILL WON'T ACKNOWLEDGE!!!



Hey all - please keep the pressure up.  Hopefully you've implemented the automatic forward to when you receive a notification.



This is really re-donk-u-lous....


After being a Spotify customer since 2014, I finally bit the bullet last night and started adding my 500+ saved albums to a competitor service with explicit filter available on their family subs. It's going to take quite a while, so it may even be available in Spotify before I need to switch providers...

Hi! Well done.

Which service?


This really needs to happen


FYI, this was @SpotifyCares reply to my most recent message to them via twitter:


"We're sorry to hear you feel that way, but our hands are tied on this. We'll be sad to see you go, but we understand. Rest assured we'll pass your thoughts onto the right people /NJ"


To me this states that the explicit filter is never coming. Stop getting your hopes up and move on to another service.