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[All Platforms][Playlists] Add the same song to multiple playlists simultaneously

There is no reason why Spotify shouldn't have a functionality on at least the desktop app where you can drag one song into as many "selected" playlists as you want and have that song added to all of them at the same time…


Here's a little more info to back up this request:


I'm, for one, the kind of person who obsesses over music, and a huge component of that is the way in which I organize my playlists.


I believe it is probably safe to say that most people wish their music was better organized, but the primary reason why they aren't is simply the amount of time it takes to put together quality playlists. Instead, what most people end up with are a small handful of enormous playlist hundreds, if not thousands, of songs that have no rhyme or reason to why they are in the same playlists.


To avoid this dilemma, I have spent hours and hours sorting through all my favorite songs and making different types of playlists that they may fit into. One thing I learned early on is that a particular song is likely going to fit into multiple playlists, and this is where the problem lies and the primary reason why most people avoid making well thought out playlists altogether.


In order to add a song to all the playlists I want, I have to sit at my computer and continuously drag a new song I want put into different playlists into each individual one over and over again which, when organizing dozens or even hundreds of songs, can take an insane amount of unnecessary time. And that is if you happen to be creating and organizing playlists on the desktop app… if you are trying to do this on your phone, you might as well forget about it - it would take you an hour to add 20 different songs to 10 different playlists.


That is why I believe Spotify should add a function (starting on desktop and eventually moving onto mobile like they are likely to do with the "folders" for playlists) in which a single song can be added to multiple playlists at the same time.


Attached is a picture originally posted by a subscriber named anaraee who had requested this a few years ago, but apparently wasn't able to get enough traction then... hopefully this time will be different.


Updated on 2025-02-21

Hey everyone,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that adding the same song to multiple playlists at once is now available on both the mobile and desktop app, as well as on the Web Player.


Just press the + button Add.PNG or the Checkmark (if it's already saved elsewhere) check.PNG next to the song, and select which playlists you'd like to add it to:



When adding the song, you'll also see if it's already saved in other playlists.


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community.


Cheers 🙂


Why doesn't this have more votes?!


Thanks Spotify! Keep working hard. As you can see, we really REALLY want this, & want to continue using your platform despite the competition. This will really help playlist creation.


Brilliant Idea! would anyone know how to create an extension or add-on to enable this feature in the meantime? Please let me know. I struggle with this problem a lot.


This would save most of my time haha


My idea is the ability to add a single song to multiple playlists simultaneously by implementing a checkbox feature. When you select “Add to Playlist,” you should just be able to select the playlists by checking them off, instead of having to add it to each playlist one by one. I have a lot of playlists so this process is very tedious for me. A checkmark feature would make my Spotify experience 10x more enjoyable.


Spotify WHY are we still waiting for this SIMPLE feature? Come on!


When adding songs to a playlist, I sometimes want to add the song to multiple playlists. A feature to select multiple playlists would be much appreciated compared to the current situation where I need to repeat the process 4 times to add the song to 4 different playlists.


When adding something to a playlist on iPad, you get a little pop-up menu to pick the playlist, and once you pick a playlist the menu closes. I think it would be useful if this stayed open after selecting your first playlist so as to you allow you to easily place a song into multiple playlists in one action, rather than having to repeatedly go through the process for each one. 


Seriously, why has this feature not been implemented yet? Honestly, it shouldn’t even be up for debate at this point. Especially considering your company’s apparent push to get users to use playlists more often and encourage playlist sharing.

I certainly can’t be the only Spotify user who enjoys creating multiple playlists for different scenarios, and creating lists to share with friends and family. Yet after literally wasting dozens of hours of my life due to the continued refusal by Spotify to implement such a simple and obviously necessary functionality, I’ve begun growing apathetic to playlists altogether.


I’d love to hear from staff on why after so many years and thousands of up votes regarding this feature, it still doesn’t exist? Especially considering the simplicity to which it could be implemented, and it having been many months since the idea was sent off to the development team. I’d like to know why it’s not a top priority for Spotify to remedy such an aggravating and time wasting oversight.


I can name a half dozen other much-needed features that would drastically improve the user experience, yet unfortunately I don’t have that power, and apparently neither do I thousands of your users.

Another odd omission is the lack of any indicating icon to show if a song is already in a playlist (multiple playlists). A hover over option could then be used to display which playlists the song currently resides. The having to visit a particular playlist just to remove a song is a weird approach that could also be remedied via a drop down option with check boxes. Also, the lack of artist bios on mobile is another bizarre omission, especially since this content already exists on the desktop app. I can’t imagine I’m the only one who would be interested in learning more about a band or artist without having to leave the app to do so.


I will conclude my gripe. In closing, I sure hope Spotify begins listening to customers and using some common sense, but i’ve had that same sentiment for years and nothing has changed. If this playlist feature is not implemented in the coming months, I’ll be searching for another music streaming service who includes such obvious features. The only reason I’ve waited this long is because I have family on my plan and I don’t want to inconvenience them. 


Almost 1k votes surely this is demand enough to get this implemented 😊