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[All Platforms] Spotify Lite Version

Please can you do a second simpler, less memory-hogging and bandwidth-hogging version of Spotify? i.e., Spotify Lite (I don't have a fast computer and even optimised I have big lag problems with other programs whilst Spotify is running.)

Updated on 2019-07-09

Hey folks,


We just wanted to give you a heads up that a lite version of the Spotify app has been released on Android. 


You can check out more information about the app and its availability here.


Thanks for adding your vote to this idea!


Please make Spotify into "modules" that can be turned on/off inside settings..

If people want fancy "latest music/trending/near you" then fine, let them enable/disable in settings (can be enabled by default)
If people want facebook active (intergrating) then let them turn that on an off in settings.

The new design SUCKS on my computer, so I removed it, and Im a paying customer (i focefully reinstall old version all the time)

All other programs stops or lags, streaming video with spotify on is hopeless, webbrowsing with many tabs is hard, and so on...

Whats up with all the crap - remove the bloat, remove the sucky webframework or whatever it is, is slow and sloggy...

Come on, I've been a paying customer for several years... Do still want to earn money, or is it better to use millions in developing your own dead-end... what to do when everyone finds it to be more bloatware than usefull ware?



Had you guys only kept the "frame" that version 0.8 was built on, and then added some of those new functions there (with enable/disable in settings) then most of us with older pc's or study laptop's, would still be able to use spotify properly...

Remember to please your customers - or they will soon discontinue to be customers...


My main dislike of iTunes is that it is enormously bloated and forces me to have services that I don't want running on my computer even when I haven't opened iTunes.


In fact one reason I won't consider moving over to Apple streaming service is that it probably bloats your computer too.


Don't let yours go that way.



I have a three year old laptop and it takes seriously almost a minute to start Spotify - this is the reason why Im thinking of terminating my account.. often I dont bother starting Spotify just because youtube is a much quicker option.


I bet the lite version isnt even hard to make but some stupid Facebook-deal may prevent it from happening.


And this problem is only getting worse for the users who have problems with it.. "updates" are being added every other week.


Too bad - like it is today I wouldnt recommend Spotify for anyone because of this.

i agree with the above comment. i have a premium account as well, only i use Lubuntu. and i would like to add kudos to a similar idea for a lite version for android devices. is there a suggested/live idea for this? thank you.

You can always give a shot for the Spotiamp, link below.


Hola: La verdad es que una version lite para esta aplicacion seria una muy uena idea. Me pasa que mi pc no es tan vieja, pero la aplicacion para ordenador come mucho recurso y hay veces que se tilda por momentos la pantalla. Haganse una version lite por favor, estaria buenisimo.


It´d be really useful a lite version. This actually desktop version is awfull! Too heavy, doesn´t work well. 


I still think it would be great to have two versions. I full one and a lite one. You'd get more subscribers if you did!


Many car audio systems has android operativ systems. Now the sporify app has become so "heavy" it takes minutes to open and operate. Dangerous on the road tbh. 

I would really like if you made a "car" version for android. I would also love if it was faster with less options. In Norway the gov. has decided to turn off the FM-band and we need to use DAB+ adapters in our cars to listen to radio. This means spotify is now mine, and many of my friends prefered audio-source while driving. That's why i think it is crucible to have an app that is fast and easy/safer to operate while driving.