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[Android] Android Widget

Having a home screen widget for Android would be really nice. All other media players have one on Android so it'd be great to see that in Spotify too. It'd make things so much easier to just be able control to Spotify from your home screen instead of swiping down for the notification bar or opening the app. It's really simple functionality so please can you add it.

Updated on 2019-09-09

Hey folks, 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this idea in the Community.


We’re excited to let you know the Android Widget is back. To get listening, make sure you’re on the latest version of the app and Spotify will show in the widget menu on your device. The widget is now resizable too and some stability issues have been fixed. 




We appreciate your passion for this feature and want to thank you all for your feedback!


Should I asume that someone "sugested" the idea of removing the widget, and a lot of users vote favorably ?
Why don´t you put your ideas, specially radical ideas, specially radical functionally cutting ideas, to public consideration and ask for votes before implementing them.


Setting this to not right now?  Oh my, you people continue to amaze me with your incompetance.  Firstly, when you lock the thread where we are all commenting because you dont like what's being said it doesnt give me much confidence that the "idea exchange" means anything to you.  Then I follow your link only to see that this idea has been set to "not right now" when it has over 3.5k votes since just this morning.  Can you not see that your users WANT a widget??  Can you not see the frustration and disappointment being voiced by your users?  Are you all completely incompetent?  Why would you even take the chance of having all your android users checking out other streaming services over a widget???  You know you are only one of many streaming services available, right?  It makes absolutely zero sense for you to cause this much uproar from your customers and then tell us that you dont plan on putting the widget back in the app!  Sounds like you want to lose a ton of your customers...  and you are about to.  OVER A WIDGET???  Hahahah, wow.  You know, most likely if you force a customer to look elsewhere, they are going to do just that; go elsewhere.  I'm stunned.  


Just canceled my premium family subscription.  I'm setting my Spotify renewal status to "Not right now".  Bring back the widget and I'll renew.  Otherwise, I'll just go find another premium streaming service once my paid time runs out.  


**bleep** whyyyyyyyyyy though!

I used the widget all the time!



I have no idea why a developer would just decide to stop a feature that was working fine and people were using... There's such a terrible hole in my home screen now.


I have to agree with other comments, removing the widget was not a good PR move. I can't spend the time trying to locate the app and finding the controls when I'm in the car. I don't have Android Auto so relied on pressing play from my home screen. This is a backwards step. I really hope that you listen to the consumers and reinstate the app. I will be going to Google music now. I'm not a fan but they have at least kept the widget and I can use it safely. Big thumbs down 👇 


I find this very annoying as a user who has been paying for a long time. You are taking away functionality instead of making the app better everyday. And the response of not returning the feature as fast as you can is very disrespectful. I use the widget every day, it was sitting next to Whatsapp and Uber widget and icon, two of my most frequent apps. Insert Spotify widget hereInsert Spotify widget here



Whoever the Product Owner is for the Android app needs firing. Nothing but bad decisions for the last year, and 'hur-dur not right now' is the cherry on top. You guys suck. 


I really don't understand who makes these decisions. Last year, you took away our ability to shuffle multiple playlists from the app, now you take away the widget. Are you trying to push your users to other apps? How does this change/update benefit the user in any way? Serioulsy disappointed and considering cancelling my premium subscription. 


Great way to lose paying customers, guys. Your "Not Right Now" response is essentially a big middle finger to people who've supported you for years. What possible advantage do you gain by being stubborn about this? The people have spoken. Just fix your mistake and move on.


Whoever proposed removing the widget and the people that signed off on it needsto be fired.