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[Android] Android Widget

Having a home screen widget for Android would be really nice. All other media players have one on Android so it'd be great to see that in Spotify too. It'd make things so much easier to just be able control to Spotify from your home screen instead of swiping down for the notification bar or opening the app. It's really simple functionality so please can you add it.

Updated on 2019-09-09

Hey folks, 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this idea in the Community.


We’re excited to let you know the Android Widget is back. To get listening, make sure you’re on the latest version of the app and Spotify will show in the widget menu on your device. The widget is now resizable too and some stability issues have been fixed. 




We appreciate your passion for this feature and want to thank you all for your feedback!


I hope that the staff will realize that we dont want the widget removed. The notification is not an acceptable solution. This vote for reinstating the widget has already gotten several thousand votes. Please bring back the widget and do not leave it in the "not right now" category. If the widget does not come back, i will return to other music and podcast streaming services.




Days  after widget removal, I use more and more the other widgets, provided by Amazon Music and other company's. Early time's I thought  I couldn't be without spotify. But you showed me a way out. Thank  you spotify. 


Apple MusicApple Music

Spotify, thank you for introducing me to Apple Music and their two widgets.


Removing the widget was a mistake. You have to bring it back!


This is unavailable!! Who decided this was a good idea?? I have been with Spotify since you first launched in UK. I will be moving to another service who do not take their users for granted!! What an incredibly stupid decision!


Utterly ridiculous decision to remove the very convenient and aesthetically pleasing widget. Can you please explain how removing this feature is in any way beneficial for your customers? 


What's next? Remove the play button? Bring back the and widget


Esto es sencillo regresen el Widget o me voy así de simple, son la peor comunidad ustedes se deben a nosotros viven de nuestras suscripciones así que espero que nos escuchen o atenganse a las consecuencias


Suddenly ripping out an already developed useful feature used by many is a very bad move.


Suddenly ripping out an already developed useful feature used by many without telling anyone the reasoning behind this drastic decision is plain stupid.