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[Desktop] Bring back volume normalization toggle

The latest version of the Spotify desktop client [] misses the crucial option "Set the same volume level for all tracks". It is no longer possible to disable volume normalization.


This is downgrade is atrocious. Removing granularity from the options screen and forcing heavy audio processing degrades the value of Spotify to something suitable for non-paid background listening on Bluetooth boomboxes or laptop speakers. 


While normalization is extremely useful for background music, the option of disabling it improves sound quality, particularly for listening to certain quetly recorded albums and classical music. It's a switch in the UI and should be brought back as soon as possible.


It seems to be the case that the normalization toggle never disabled all processing of the audio signal. But the option to disable volume normalization, which was added in early 2009, made the audio quality of Spotify usable for dynamic music and quality gear even before this service offered high bitrate streaming (mid 2009).


This setback in audio quality arrives at an unfortunate time when Spotify comptetitors are scrambling to provide lossless, cd-quality streams in several streaming intense markets. It's sad to see Spotify level the playing field by crippling its (partially) native desktop app, which could be a competetive edge. The competition, even the ones aiming for the audiophile crows, typically rely on useless, offline incompatible browser based offerings for desktop and laptop users.

Interested parties can participate in this Twitter thread.


Hey everyone, this feature returned to our Desktop app with the 1.0.5 update. Thanks for continuing to bring your feedback to the Spotify Community.


What a joke the new update is ,music quality turned to dog **bleep** , who's retarded idea was it to take away the disable volume normalization in preferences ??
I instantly reinstalled the version i was using before this update ,  I don't know if you know this spotify - but music lovers need high quality , i don't give a **bleep** about news feed , i give a **bleep** about music and need to quality.
If you try and dictate how i should listen to music one more time i will be surely cancelling my premium account ,

To anyone who wants to reinstall the version before this update of misery


And while they're at it, why not add this function to the Ipad, Iphone and Android apps as well....

Status changed to: Up for Votes

So we are forced to have this option always enabled on PCs while having it unavailable for years on mobiles, where people actually are asking for it? Where it is more probable I would need volume normalization - on my hi-fi setup sitting comfortably in my home, or riding a bike or driving a car?

I like very much jokes I read in mobile app release notes (the ones which mention fictional functionality), but someone lost his mind here.


I support this. the new update is unbelievably bad


My Premium expires in 2 days, since the new update I see no reason to reup very soon since I can hardly use Spotify on anything but my phone...


I really like a lot of new things about this update, but paying for higher quality music doesn't seem entirely worth it when you reduce the quality anyway… I don't understand why you'd remove the ability for us to listen to music as it was meant to sound. Please please please bring back this toggle!


This is very very bad, after the update I could immediately hear the difference between old and new application versions. This makes listening to PROPERLY mastered music much worse experience, more silent parts should remain silent and louder part louder. Not like it is now, everything is loud and dissapointing.


Is there any competitors with better sound quality with non-forced normalization?


redownload spotify from filehorse and follow these steps

it worked for me 🙂