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[Music] Block / Hide / Blacklist Tracks or Artists

The Star feature should be complemented with a way to mark tracks as excluded. Those tracks would then be skipped even when included in the current playlist.
This way the enjoyment of a good album wouldn't be disrupted by tracks you don't like, while the album in its entirety can still be kept in the playlist.
The Anti-star can easily be implemented as a flipside to the regular star as they are mutually exclusive. Click the star once, the track becomes a favorite. Click again, the star icon changes to the anti-star and click a third time and either flag is gone.

A no-brainer to me.

Updated on 2020-05-13


Thanks for coming to the Community Idea Exchange.
We're marking this idea as 'Implemented'.

The option 'Don't play this artist' is now available on iOS and Android.

You can also find more info on hiding individual tracks from playlists or albums here.

If we have any information about this on other platforms in the future, we'll report back!

Id be interested in hearing what you find out.

So, is this going to happen? I'd love to be able to play a Global charts playlist and not have to hear Chris Brown or Justin Bieber.


Well, since it looks like people have been asking for this for 5 years or so, Im thinking we shouldnt hold our breath.


This is an absolute must. I get some really appaling, distasteful music in my discover weekly that conflicts with my beliefs. If I could block the artists, the problem would be solved. The solutions given in the status update solve nothing. Please implement this!! 🙂


I totally agree. So long as Spotify doesn't base recommendations also on lyrics I think a dislike/block bottom should do the trick


There is a solution for MAC owners:


Not a real solution as I need this option on my iPhone. When I am in my car I don't want to skip songs all the time. It's annoying and dangerous. Spotify should feel responsible.


I'd love to have this feature because, come on, we pay for a service and as users we have the right to decide what kind of music we want to hear. But I get a lot of Latin music in recommendations just because I'm in South America. And I really dislike music in Spanish, soecially regaeton and it's disgusting to try a playlist and find 10 songs from dumb singers and just one I actually like. Google has already implemented a like and dislike option. If you dislike a song you're listening to, you won't hear it again and eventually it'll ban all the gender belonging to that kind of songs you dislike. Please add that feature. It's so long I've been waiting for this. I love the app. But it needs a few features that in my opinion are quite basic for users. 


Like Giorocha I get a lot of recommendations of latin "tropical" 5h1tty music like reggaetton because I´m in Latinoamerica, but I never listen that kind of music and I don´t want to listen that music. Come on developers, it is so hard to implement something for block this artists and playlists!?


auto-recomandation feature when a playlist ends is a nice feature, but it keeps recomanding me the some tracks i don't like , kind of kill the idea to let the algorythm drive you