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[Other] Exact release date across all platforms

Spotify has exact release date information for albums - it can be viewed in the mobile app (at least under iOS, v8.5.41).


Using the official desktop app, however (macOS, v1.1.24.91.g4ca6d5eb) you only get the year.


Why the disparity? I would have thought that, if anything, the desktop app would contain more granular information, while the mobile app would contain more of a summary.


Year is not very granular at all - artists can do a lot in a year, and fans sometimes like to know at least the month they released something, if not also the day.


Thank you for reading

Updated on 2021-07-07

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that this feature is now available. All you need to do is hover over the song's release year: this will show you the full song's release date 🙂


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community!

Top Answer
Spotify Star

If you hover over the release date in the new 2021 desktop app update or the web player for several seconds, the full release date will show in a popup tooltip. They should just show the full release date by default. The tooltip is slow and small.


full release date hover tooltip.png




I have wanted this on mobile ever since I got Spotify. I don't understand why it's only available on desktop. Sometimes I want to know exactly when an album or single was released by an artist I like.

Surely you mean the other way round? You have precise dates on iOS but not
MacOS; last time I checked...
I do not have ios or Mac. I meant what I said.

The more specified release date has now been removed from the mobile app as well.


Really, why? What's the point? Did you get any complaints of the clutter a day and month adds. I just don't get it ...


Edit: mobile has the exact release date again.


+1 for this idea... i always want to see the precise date for ablum release! or at least make it an option/setting users can enable.

Status changed to: Case Closed

Edit: Idea has been reposted here.

Updated on 2019-10-30

Hi everyone, thank you for your feedback.
At this time we do not have any plans to implement this.

If anything changes we'll come back here and post an update.

Status changed to: Up for Votes

Updated on 2020-01-25

Hello and thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange. We've marked this as a new idea.


Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes. More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found: here


Please add the month and if possible the day the song or album was released! I go through so much music and always checking release radar but sometimes I missed stuff and it would be nice to know the exact date it got released. Some artists release a ton of music every year and this should be more specific at least on the desktop app. You already have an idea closed that had tons of comments on it of people wanting this feature but then you closed it and link this idea. Found here:

Doesn't make sense...


There are SO many submissions that request this feature and every one either gets closed and forwarded to a different issue, or starts gaining traction then Spotify responds with "we aren't planning on adding this feature at this time". OR it's closed because of "lack of interest" despite HUNDREDS OF OTHER IDENTICAL REQUESTS OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS.

Seriously, this cannot be difficult to implement. It is incredibly important in terms of transparency and release year is one of the most fundamental parts of music metadata. This info is already displayed on the mobile app - it's RIDICULOUS that it hasn't been added to the desktop platform yet.

Spotify - get off your @ss and add a feature that people actually want. Stop shutting down good ideas because of "not enough votes" because I guarantee the people that care are probably already fed-up enough with you to even bother checking this cesspool of placation.