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[Podcast][Mobile] Mark Podcasts as Played

Right now on mobile devices, once you're done listening to a podcast, nothing happens. There's no signal that you've already listened to it or anyway to mark it as listened to except for clicking on it and dragging the time bar to the end of the episode. On the computer interface there's a little blue bar that shows you if you've listened to it or how far into it you are, but there's also no way to easily signify if you've already listened to the episode. There should be some way, whether its a blue wheel or another visual form that shows people if they've listened to a episode or not, and there should also be a way to click the control for an episode and mark it as already listened to.

Updated on 2019-05-23

Hey folks!


This has now been implemented. You can find the 'Mark as Played' button by clicking the three dot menu next to Podcast episodes on Mobile. 




You can also check out how much of a show you've listened by checking out the green progress bar and time indicator. It'll say 'Played' once a Podcast is complete. 




Almost there. Now we need the ability to mark an entire podcast as played, and from more than just the mobile app.


Thank you, that's great... But I have a couple of current affairs podcasts that each number several hundreds of podcasts. If I'm to use this (both mobile and desktop versions) I really want to be able to mark the entire podcast as read. My current mobile solution (RSS Radio) lets me do this.


Why it's still not implemented on desktop app?


The post says that this feature has been implemented, but it doesn't show up for me. Mac version 10.13.2 (17C88) using Spotify version 


See screenshot. Screen Shot 2019-08-12 at 8.17.17 PM.png


@nsspot that is because it has only been "partially" implemented as it has only been done on the mobile app, so this feature should not be marked as implemented, but clearly Spotify feel they have done it so marked it as implemented.


Why isn't this available on Desktop? What an oversight. I would like to be able to mark as played and unplayed for certain podcasts. Please look into this.

This is great, but could this please be implimented on desktop? I would like to mark several episodes as completed at once, and this isn't possible on mobile (or at least in iOS).

2 years and we still can't mark all? Surely this is programmed in minutes by any coder, no?


how do you do this on your windows desktop application?