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Remote control.



It could be great to be able to remote control my computer Spotify app from the Spotify mobile device app. (iPhone un my case)

Now that Connect has officially been announced and started rolling out, I'll mark this as implemented.


I also want to see this built-in.

And at the moment there is no free Remote control fot Spotify on Windows & Remote Control via iOS.


Good evening!


What about adding some remote control functions to the mobile apps? Would be great if the Spotify desktop app could be controlled via smartphone, while both are connected to the same network.


DACP would be good, or just an app that spotify create for the smartphone. Or make it an addition to the existing spotify mobile app - remote control section.


This was exactly what I was looking for when I came on the community!


I would prefer an addition to the existing app. Don't want to install a thousand apps for such simple things...


Build-in would be great indeed!


There is an app called teamviewer, this app allows you to control your desktop by your phone. The whole screen is visible on your phone! Works like a charm! 


for android there is an app called Unified Remote, with a free and premium service, and you can control desktop spotify with that. works great for me 🙂


I think it would be a great feature for premium users to be able to use our spotify application to change track, adjust volume and such from our phone to our computers. so instead of going to the PC myself to change track i can just take up my phone from my pocket and change track right in the kitchen.


so in other words. be able to use the phone app as an remote controller for your spotify on your PC

I agree with this! Must have feature.


oh god that would rock. 


Though in the meantime you could use one of the thirdparty remotes.